Tuesday, May 11, 2021

vaccination one

hello there

so, a little while ago (as in recently, look you see), i mentioned that i was off to gone done get my first vaccination jab. it strikes me as improbable, in the world where this shall be read (if it is, at all) that i would need to clarify what vaccination, but for the sake of completeness, yes, the coronavirus or covid or any other such name for it; the new plague under which we fight an invisible war. 

my experience of having it was, seemingly, surprisingly and splendidly good. despite expectations via the warnings concerning potential side affects (effects?) of it, nothing really happened. it was so that the arm, or rather the area of it, which i had the injection in (left appears to be the default) felt someone fragile and tender for a few days, but this was all. sure, yes, every chance exists that some of the side effects (affects?) might visit on me getting the second dose, but still, from what i can tell all worth it. 

i understand "which one" is a question many shall ask, of curiosity (and interest) with respect to which of the variations of vaccine i had. no, i do not mind sharing or declaring, it was the Oxford Astra Zeneca version, if i have the name (and spelling) correct. of course i asked the nurse if that was the one what the French were oh so scared of. the answer was yes, and comments were passed about what ungrateful swines they were, seeing at that was the one being done at cost for the betterment of the world. 

that's me sat in vaccination detention. going curiously non non-linear, such are the concerns and dedication to well being, due to some people (not just the French, but still) expressing worries over this vaccination, all what had it (at least at my session) were requested to wait in a big massive hall for fifteen minutes. a time we were trusted to measure and act upon ourselves, and of course i complied. presumably this was to ensure no immediate unfortunate side effects (affects) kicked in. quite lovely, really, and i had a splendid chat with one of the marshals, volunteers or wardens about Mr Sinatra, until someone suggested there really wasn't supposed to be too much conversation in the detention hall.

no, with no grand or slight level of knowledge or expertise in much of anything, least of all this subject, it is so very, very far away from my place to wade in on the occasionally sensitive subject of those who have no wish to have the vaccination. all i am comfortable (and confident) with doing is sharing my own experience, and suggesting that all news reports and what have you appear to give every indication that this vaccination drive is doing the trick in winning the war. 

just to pad things out a trifle here, go on then, a selfie of me as reflected in my new mirror. yes, of course, in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode. 

when i took up residency in my new lodgings (recently), i was aware of there being no mirror in the bathroom, to give a nod to a song what is smart. this was something i undertook to get around to doing. and yet it was before i did such that i attempted to shave sans mirror, reckoning or figuring that it would be easy enough to do with just using the camera welded on to the phone. after that was when i decided no, let me get a mirror. 

of course i dilly-dallied and procrastinated on the subject. but then i mentioned my plight, my wrestling with the subject, to Big Baz at verk. to this Big Bag used the f word (f***) a great deal, advising me to stop f*****g about and to get a f*****g mirror sorted. he pretty much marched me in to a shop and had me purchase one, which was worked out well. that one does not hear tales or stories from those who elected not to do as Big Baz instructed tells you all you could wish of the fate of those what do not comply with his sage advice.

presumably, and from what i recall of the conversation, it shall not at all be too long after this particular chunk of writing is published dans le internet when i shall be presented with an invitation to have the second vaccination jab. may fortune smile on such, to the extent that i may be able to write of the experience of that one here too. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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