Sunday, May 30, 2021

polarity postcard puzzle, probably


quite an interesting dynamic of a dilemma emerged in my day to day life recently. and by quite an interesting one, i urge you to consider this entirely contextually, observing it as such as a moment of some excitement in my otherwise dull, here for reasons unclear life, look you see. 

the overwhelming majority of post i receive at, or is rather better described as being delivered to, my remaining relatively new place of residence is addressed to people who previously lived at these lodgings. a degree larger than you may think of my social circle involves marking them as return to sender and placing them back in a mailbox. whereas i do not open them, for such would be rude and if it isn't then it should be illegal, the return address details are often telling. let me respect privacy to an extent, but also say good luck with that one, American Express. 

it is not entirely unexpected that i get little post addressed to moi. oh but a few alone have my address, and not many, if any, have requested it. apparently a substantial number with my address do not hold an inclination to expend energy posting me anything, or are otherwise bereft of what to send. so it was indeed quite wonderful to get something (fairly) recently. 

my postcard collection in my new (for this is what it is) home has now reached a kind of round number of three, in more or less, ipso facto, kind of as many months. the top two are by the grace of Steve of Scotland. it is the stunning view of Queenstown (New Zealand variant) which is the most recent addition, courtesy of my sister. 

something of a challenge was presented by this arrival. under the English way of doing things, one is legally compelled, or otherwise obliged, to place all postcards received on display on their fridge, and they are to be held there with interesting magnets. i was kind of out of magnets, what with James making a "J" out of the ones i got free with The Viz and the Jim'll Fix It one already being in use then. 

due to me having far more printable magnetic sheets than i could ever possibly need or even wish for, i made a pledge, or resolution of sorts, to address the matter. as you can sort of (kind of) see, if you are interested, i simply made a few out of images of some of my favourite things. yes, quite a few are of relation or relevance to David Bowie, but i made them of other things too, like film posters. 

as, or since, we are in the realm of stuff of New Zealand, my sister also sent this picture on. when i say this picture, i do of course mean the one above. via email, and not post, for sending a "hard" copy of this (above) image in the mail would (likely) constitute a violation of the obscene publications act, or something like that. 

we are indeed, more or less, soon and fast (at time of publication) reaching the pivotal moment of the year during which Grant enthusiasts are at their most enthusiastic concerning celebrating him. it is a delight, via my sister who gave full (kind of) blessing for me to place this here, to enable or in any way assist such with this. 

more postal and(or) magnet activities, issues and what have you will follow, of course, in the unlikely circumstances in which they fall once more into my world. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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