Sunday, May 23, 2021

my magpie eyes are hungry for the prize

hello there

there is a school of thought, look you see, that i should simply not go off to the shops without either a firm list or an astute, resolute ambition to purchase only what appears on that list. i have, and let this be my confession. a bit of a compulsive buy thing. especially, or in particular, with respect to shiny things. 

whilst i have no tangible lack of gadget things, and certainly no particular need for further, when it is so that a light reflects off of such in a shop, making them all glimmer and glitter and sparkle, i feel obliged to express an interest. on a recent excursion, this happened. after some consideration (i wandered, meandered and generally strolled some aisles in the shop as i pondered the matter), of course i ended up purchasing that which attracted my eye. 

indeed, (yet) another of them hand held game things. this one is all branded with that Spider Man thing, and also features several (ten, it says on the box) games based on this character. fictitious, as he may very well be. 

yes and no, really, on whether i am a "fan", or all that arsed, about Spider Man. he is excellent, you have to say, for defeating criminals what require someone with spider abilities to defeat them, and how convenient that such nearly impossible to overcome criminals operate so close to where the one person what could knack them hangs out. also, Spider-Man 2 was excellent as it had Alfred Molina in it. and them other ones they did, with that guy, what had Denis Leary in them. 

so, the ten (10) Spider-Man games offered by this device, for £15 by the way, were of partial appeal. however, it was more the promise of 140 "classic" games that drew me in. included within this number is, as usual for such handheld devices, an awful lot of repeat games. but, also, Tetris style rip-off games, and that one called (i think) ball blaster or something, where you have to fire balls and match up colours to get rid of them. a strangely compelling game, what i enjoy. 

features? well, the "A" button seems seldom ever to get used on games. the lavish sound options include mute, medium, full and that's it. but the sound is rather smart. also, makes nice noises when you switch on or off. 

overall, no real regrets purchasing it, for i knew full well it would get limited use. either my hands are too big, or the device is too small. it is all a bit fiddly and uncomfortable for me to play for too long, lest i risk some sort of repetitive strain thing, carpal tunnel syndrome or something. to have it to switch on once in a while, or to observe it gathering dust, satisfies the investment.

my options other than a Spiderman one were a Cars one and a Frozen one, so you can see how i ended up with this one. the latter i have not seen, the former was one of the single most boring, far too long Disney films i have ever seen, but the second one was all right. 

right, let me go fiddle about with it some more, then. or do something else. read, perhaps.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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