yes, indeed, look you see, i am aware that the new series (or if American "season") of The Adventures Of Buckethead And The Frog is now "streaming" on that Disney thing. it is the precise reason why i purchased or invested in the service, after all.
the first episode was quite good in that it did what any Star Wars thing should do. which would be stick very much to the basics, no matter how repetitive it gets, of what works, what fans love about it all, and what they, we, want. simple, straightforward good vs evil with the quasi or ostensible hero winning no matter what the odds.
i thoroughly enjoyed this first episode of the second spell of this show, often called The Mandalorian but i prefer my name. frankly, it is more accurate. and yet, all the time watching it, i was thinking well, this is quite class, but this is also the same formula for a story followed in the majority of episodes in the debut series ("season") of the show. let it be always so.
yet they may well (possibly) find a way to knack it, depending on where all this goes. and by all this i mean the last shot of the episode, so yes, a spoiler warning of sorts is in place for the image below.
so, as was widely reported anyhow, Temuera Morrison out of New Zealand is in it. the question would be who is he playing. in the whole Star Wars universe, he of course played Jango (father of Boba) Fett in Attack Of The Clones, and as he was the "blueprint" for all clones, his likeness was used in the very excellent Clone Wars cartoon (animated if you want to be grown up) series for the clones.
a long held "fanboy" wish, be it mild or fanatical, is that the rather weak death of Boba Fett in Return Of The Jedi was undone in some way. going on how old the Clone Troopers were when last seen (Star Wars Rebels i think) and the location of this first episode (Tatooine or however you spell it), seems likely that the wish shall be granted.
will that work out well? not sure, but as the whole concept has been ace so far, let's see.
live long and prosper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!