Friday, November 20, 2020

conventional commodore car wash

hello there

well, pretty much what the title says, look you see. after the moment of madness i recently had (which in fairness you could ascribe to it being all we know of how 2020 has gone) which saw me present a car wash adventure in the mode of a zx spectrum, back we are on a proper format. and by proper, yes, i mean Commodore 64 mode. 

no, i have absolutely no idea of how many posts of this nature i have done. certainly more than one, but i seem bereft of appetite to go and count them. but, to warn you up front, i am not sure that the quality of these images is of the high standard of previous efforts. image, i should say, for there is just one, and then some of them splendid animated GIF things. 

that's the whirly wooly whoopy sort of brush thing doing whatever it does to the passenger side of my vehicle. well, passenger side for countries where they drive on the proper side of the road. what you are looking at would be the driver side of the car in America, and other places where they don't drive on the correct side of the road. i think, in passing, that France are quite guilty of this. 

a bit of a cheeky glimpse of the wing mirror, or whatever it is called too. yes, folded in. we get knacked off of verk if we knack the wing mirrors (or any part of any vehicle), so i do my bit and try to look after it all. not just the stereo, but mostly. 

up above is the first (of two) of the animated things from this car wash, then. yes, that is the flippy floppy brush thing going over the windscreen. quite blue, that. also quite a lot of the brush thing. i am assuming that the blue tint is the colour of the brush blended with all that lovely soapy water. 

indeed we are, and were, at the time of writing and the time of these images being taken, under some new splendid "lockdown" measures. these are all part of the glorious invisible war against the new plague. mostly, though, it is a lockdown which isn't really a lockdown, as only bar staff, vicars, nightclub bouncers and HMV staff are not allowed to go to verk. rabbis and priests too, i suppose. the important thing here is, and i dare say this was established early on, that car wash facilities are not banned or legally closed down. 

further animated (GIF) splendidry above, then, with the second sweep of the brush thing over the windscreen. note how at some points it is quite dark, yet at others it does that odd blue shade again, although featuring a gentle hint of a smear of purple. 

overall, this car wash (in many respects like this post) felt a good deal shorter than the ones i remembered. perhaps this is just any sense of time i have drifting away, or maybe it is another subtle case of shrinkonomics, or however you spell that. you know, the thing where they maintain a constant price but just reduce the amount you get for it. 

will there be another car wash adventure to report on for the remainder of this wretched year? maybe, but also possibly not. the days drift for us all, and one never knows right now when they may wake up and be told that they are not to leave their home. we shall see. just rather enjoy this one. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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