yes, indeed, this is one of them posts, look you see. a disclaimer, then, since it seems (and no doubt is) the right thing to do. smoking is a quite silly thing to do, and one should not do it, if they are able to avoid it. please, then, do not see this post as any effort or attempt to influence or endorse anyone to do such.
on my (fairly) recent adventure to the south east of our nation it was so that, from time to time, i felt compelled, or indeed obliged, to reflect on life for a moment. to do so, i did indeed find it most agreeable to have a cigarette (they are bad for you do not do it) at the same time, bringing all sorts of efficiency and good time management to it all. not that there is all that much to consider of my life, but still, anyway, you get the point.
most frequently, as is the case with much of my life, i did so alone. there are not all that many of us smokers left, to be sure. but, actually, i have noted (observed, even) it being so that the further south you travel in (down) our nation, the more smokers you find. and, indeed, how much greater the habit is tolerated.
when considering the extravagant cost of cigarettes, mostly due to the obscene tax placed on them, and that tax has recently increased so i can guess who it is that Rishi and Boris have decided is now going to be paying for the invisible war on the new plague, this was most generous. and very greatly appreciated indeed, nice one lads.
just what business did these lads have at the hotel? that would be a matter not of my concern. but, as it happens, the subject arose in conversation. apparently, and this level of responsibility is to be applauded, when it is so that they went to town on the lash, they checked into a hotel for the evening, using taxis to get to and from where it was they went to, if this term is still used, "party". doing it this way, they found, meant no concerns over driving, and no distress caused at home when they returned rather late and potentially rowdy, or with other guests.
presumably this is rather a formality, but yes, then, this did indeed enhance my view that the place of England called the south east is simply fabulous. generally the south has a reputation for being mean, nasty and unfriendly. my suspicion is that when people say this, by "south" they actually mean London (innit), which does have a reputation for being a city full of people who do not speak to each other, except in instances that they feel compelled to shout at one or another for some indiscretion.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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