Wednesday, September 09, 2020

nothing is planned by the sea and the sand

hey there

it is an (almost) universal truth (mostly) accepted that all forms of change get greeted with resistance. this comes from belligerence, sure, and an instinct to rebel, but for the most part it is simply that we, the people, don't like change. consistency is a comfort. 

one instance of this which came to mind is, or was, that of these wind turbine things. sorry, i have a decided sense of deja vu, and may well have covered this before. hey ho, i took some pictures and a video (which i think new, improved blogger has once again tilted sideways), so here we are again. 

full well it is i remember that time (the 80s, no less) when the idea of placing wind turbines, in furtherance of supplying electricity or what have you (with the what have you there being understood as electricity) to our great and proud nation. oh no, people said, loudly, although not on "social media" for we didn't have it. these wind turbines would be an eyesore, a veritable blight on the landscape and ruin the way our world looks. 

jump to be here now, and the general consensus (well, Dad thinks so) is that they are things of beauty, aesthetically pleasing, valuable to the preservation of our world and a quite remarkable engineering achievement. it is not so that something which was at first resisted has now been embraced. the Angel Of The North, for instance, was greeted with derision and cries of "what a waste of money" at the time. 

yes, the above picture, and the below video, were all taken on a quite overcast and exceptionally windy day, at an unspecified point of the north east coast. and when i say unspecified, yes, Redcar. i was there for reasons i am unable to disclose, but there i was.

once again, as has (sadly) been the case for posts recently, my apologies if that video is sideways, or rotated all wrong. this fancy new la-de-dah blogger "interface" means i can't upload the pictures as i want, and it knacks the videos. wonderful improvement, cheers. 

there was that thing they used to do on Top Gear (the proper one, with them three twats before one of them punched someone or other) where they would visit an area of natural beauty and then blow up a petrol tanker (or similar) to see what happened. inspired by this, and presuming to have a similar effect, yes, a selfie. 

should i recall correctly, as well as being "ugly", these wind turbines were never ever going to be able to produce enough energy, and the cost would always outweigh their value. going on what limited understanding i have of things i see on the news, i believe it is the case that those claims have proven to be incorrect. good. 

well, anyway, that's that. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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