Tuesday, May 01, 2018

projected reflections on day six of the torment of the beast from the east


first and foremost, i suppose, is to say a very happy May Day to you who celebrate this day, look you see, either as proletariat workers, eager pagans keen to get on with mating rituals or simply - as the day was always intended - as massive fans of Grace Jones characters in James Bond films.

i am, to be sure, writing this on the occasion or instance of the afternoon of the sixth day of the problematic weather. this was, as you may recall, you person in the future, the time when England and the wider UK collapsed into a peculiar post-apocalyptic state due to "the beast from the east" and something called Storm Emma using our lands as a battlefield.

should for some reason anyone be at all interested in such, i here and now shall add a picture and a video of the morning of the sixth day of all this adverse weather.

yes. whereas the prophets, the soothsayers and the charlatans had, during day four and day five, given every reason to believe that they had spoken to gods of the future and that the gods of the future had assured them no further snow would befall them, more snow fell. hopefully by the time this is published a fabulous show trial will have happened and the false witches will have been suitably burned.

it was not at all a nice or pleasant sight, this. by this, the sixth morning of these weather conditions, any possible amusement or entertainment value associated with the snow had long since been vanquished. my comments, directed at myself and aired internally for my own benefit, were probably along the lines of "oh bother", or similar such words.

by some stroke of mercy the snow which fell on this sixth day did not stay. just as soon as it hit the ground it seemed to disappear, leaving nor wreaking no more misery or inconvenience.

certainly, the above is some video of the snow falling on that sixth day, for those of you who would like to watch a few seconds of it.

anyway, that's that. one really does hope that by the time anyone reads this, everything is a good deal less snowy and considerably warmer.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!