well, today we went off and had a fantastic time at Aryan's 4th birthday party. James and Aryan are great friends at school, and so it was to be expected that they would all have a wild afternoon running around playing today!
of the many things to do today, James was rather interested in the face painting, but wasn't all that keen on having his own face painted. it was not too long, then, before he found someone willing to have their face painted by him.....
yep, your humble narrator was once again cast in the role of guinea pig for one of James' class ideas. well, Mummy had a few ideas too, which would explain the nice little love heart on one of my cheeks!!
the concentration and enthusiasm in his eyes and across his brow as he busied himself drawing all over my face was something else! i suppose that for James having your face painted is no fun since you can't see for yourself what it looks like. i see, he knows what he likes and he is rather determined to be in control. and he's three. oh great, roll on those teen years....
as i mentioned above, we had a fantastic time today - many thanks to Aryan's parents for a wonderful party and hospitality second to none! we certainly look forward to seeing them all again real soon!
hope that you all had a fun filled saturday too!!!!!!!!!!!!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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