well, of all the many excellent things my place of verk does to contribute to the environment and the community in which we operate, one of the biggest and best is to throw a good deal of weight and support behind the annual Shavathon. this as the name suggests is a marathon effort to shave or colour as many people's hair as possible to raise funds for Cansa, the cancer association of South Africa.
needless to say, it's as good a reason as you will find for a haircut, so of course i took part in it.
the good lady who shaved my head confided in me that she had never actually used the equipment before. ever. it was rather pleasant that she let me know this after she had started, but what a magnificent job she did!!
i did briefly toy with the idea of having just my head shaved and leaving the beard on, as in the picture above. in the end, however, i decided that it would probably look a good deal better with the whole lot off. well, it would look as good as i was ever going to get!!
and so we have the finished product below! my dear friends and family last year (or perhaps the year before) decided i looked like some sort of cross between Boy George and Marlon Brando as Colonel Kurtz. i would say that i look forward to hearing the comparisons this year, but i am not sure that i do. more Brando, less Boy George would be nice!
i know times are tight for all wallets and purses, but i would hope that any and all readers of my site based here in South Africa will make some effort to contribute to this worthwhile cause. i know that cancer isn't a popular or trendy cause to support the fight against amongst the Hollywood crowd, but it is a killer disease which with support and funds can be beaten.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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