Monday, May 27, 2024

if you've done six impossible things this morning


to be honest, not really, not really, no. i am not (particularly) a fan of gum, look you see, or to be specific gum of the chewing variety. or chewing gum, if you will. although it was so that, recently, an experience with a kind of gum turned out to be not that bad. both links there go to the same place, for fun. 

yet it was so that, on a recent shopping trip (excursion) i opted to buy not just one packet of gum, or for that matter as many as three or further. no, just two, for they only had two different kinds, or if you will flavours, of a brand of gum i had not heard of before but was, of course, immediately familiar. 

most here i suspect, or would otherwise imagine, worked this out from the title alone. indeed, for clarification, and as per the "psychedelic" image above, the gum brand is Milliways. as in, one can only assume, the Milliways, which was (and likely is) the celebrated restaurant at the end of the universe in the much loved Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. in the radio show, book and i think original tv show a promo or tagline for Milliways is "if you've done six impossible things this morning why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways". a lovely reference to that bit in Alice In Wonderland (or similar title of novel) when the Queen informs Alice that she has "often done six impossible things before breakfast", in case you were wondering about the origins. 

actually no, as it happens, i did not walk in to the shop what i did to specifically buy either gum (which i am not that keen on) or an item related to Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. well, yes, the latter is an ever present thought. these packs of gum were just strategically placed by the till, likely quite deliberately so in order to try and snag impulse purchases. how often i am caught in such a sting operation or trap. 

should you be looking for some sort of review of this gum, alas no such thing appears here. i have not tried it as such as yet, and am not likely to rush to do so. ostensibly, then, even in our totes f****d economy where prices are set as if all of us earned what tube workers or railway staff do to mostly be on strike all the time, £1 for a wee tiny small packet seems excessive. 

for some reason i struggled to get a decent (or clear) image of the back of the packets, but hopefully the above (well above the previous paragraph) shows off one comment that took my interest. they, as in them what make this Milliways, accuse quite a few (if not all) other gum manufacturers of using "artificial plastic" to produce it. huh. what. does that not imply there is some form of "natural" occurring plastic in our world? if so Greta needs to be told. 

perhaps i shall hoy these packs of gum in my designated vehicle for use as i travel these lands for reasons of verk. obviously i shall only take one out of the pack and try when stopped, for i believe it is some form of crime to do so whilst moving. i am no lawyer, mind. 

certainly, yes, it will of course be so that should i see further items with a vague or explicit reference to the wonders of Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy included i will purchase them. this, presumably, was a given, but makes for a lovely last paragraph,

don't panic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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