Monday, January 01, 2024

see my stumble see my fall

hello there

and so it goes with another year starting, or if you will commencing. this one happens to be 2024, look you see, on the off chance you are looking at all of this from some future date. rather than a past one. 

indeed my wrestling with the concept of owning a calendar has (or rather had) continued. my challenge, or should you prefer quarrel, is of a two (2) pronged attack. first is the (mass) debate as to whether i should get one, with me likely to gaze upon it for considerably less ("fewer") than half of the days. then after that is resolved there's the question of which one to get. 

both have, of course, been resolved. hence us being here with this. and here it, the calendar, is. 

perhaps, for some (those few who know me) there's not that much surprise that i went and gone done bought a Bowie one. yet, i feel, there is. to start with i went and paid full price for this, with such being just one singular penny south if £10. i suspect that is more than i have spent on calendars entire in the last four (4) or so years. also it would not be all that normal for me to get a "favourite". usually i would go with the cheapest. sometimes that works out kind of all right, like that one time i got a Star Wars one. 

so, what drew me to a Bowie calendar? no, that's not a fair wording. what drew me to this particular one would be a more better proposition. quite simply the excellent choice of images. and it being around or close to £1 cheaper than the "official" one. have no sense of mistake, for i did consider the officially issued one. it was terrible. first off they had made a decision to go "plastic free" with it, so all copies of it on the shelves are right battered and sort of floppy-foldy in quality. should one get over that, well, the images selected for the official one are, mostly, rubbish. well, ok, there is only so bad a picture of Bowie can be, true, but for some reason they went and selected lesser (fewer) striking images of him, as if to prove some point no one wished to have elaborated.

one resoundingly (exceptionally) solid point of sale to (or for) me was the selection of the "shhhh" image for february. as this month is kind of important to me, it has been a constant source of frustration that weak, poor or dull pictures normally get used. like, for instance, as and when i have had a Star Wars calendar it has been so that february seems to forever feature the gay robot and his bin. seeing what has come to be one of my favourite images of him (Bowie) for that month was a win.

going on, and there's a trilogy there, in the form of june, july and august, which reflects three (3) of the best pictures what i have ever seen of Bowie. the remainder are not bad as such, and the whole this looks more satisfactory than the derisory official one. 

maybe one day someone who actually likes Bowie will take control of what stuff with his name on gets offered for sale. surprised that this has not happened as such, but we can hope. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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