Wednesday, January 10, 2024

don't do it

welcome frankie fans

yes, indeed, for the last two (or so) years i have suggested that no, i won't commemorate or celebrate the anniversary of certain gigs any further. for years i have done so, look you see, and there is perhaps a finite number of words i can command which are different to the ones used before. 

but here we are. it is so that on this date, at least in regards of the date this is published, i got to see Frankie Goes To Hollywood in a very real and live sense. well, this date in 1987, which i think (or believe to be) is now 37 (!!) years ago. one would think i would have lost this information from memory or mind, if the two are different, yet it would seem not. 

it might be if not prudent then wise for you to leave this post now, reading no further. well, no, by all means read, but the video (yes, we have got a video) below is unlikely to please or impress anyone. 

for those who have declined to heed the above, well, here is your reward. behold, for the video below presents fragments of me (moi), your humble narrator, performing a tribute (of sorts) to Frankie. done whilst out on the town on karaoke night. 

perhaps i should have taken, or found, the time to edit down some further sounds from the bootleg i have of the gig and added that instead of the above. or simply added no sound or video. still, done now. 

my memory of actual, proper Frankie doing Relax at the gig was Holly introducing it as "a blast from the past". that was 1987, barely 4 years after it was released and 3 years after the halcyon days when it was back in the chart (on sales alone, no streaming sh!t back then) at number 2, just behind Two Tribes by the same band, of course. well, if it was a blast from the past then, of what is it now?

should this sort of thing (ahem) be of interest to you then i would encourage you to look at posts i have made on this date over the years. one or two of them might be more better than this one. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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