Wednesday, October 04, 2023

commerce is our goal


just taking up some valuable internet space with a rather dull and boring reality, look you see. well, to be fair (or "tbf") one could say anything what i write of, or share, is by default dull and boring. should you be of a mind to be kind, though, this might be more of such than usual. 

it has been quite some time (about eight years, as point of fact) since i faffed or otherwise messed around with that "google image search" thing. you can see the results then by clicking on the link, which is the words in a different colour. with the ferocious rate of technology developing surely it had to be that results on a search of an image of moi would be (more) better. 

not really, then. or yes, no, maybe. i am truly impressed, considering it's a both compressed and also not the best image of me, that the all powerful google could, fairly (as in very) quickly tell the make and model of my glasses (spectacles). oh. unfortunately that is the only search result it kicked out. with lots and lots of links encouraging me to purchase further. 

yeah, all this "AI" stuff. and data harvesting, or big data, or what you will. various theories exist in concern of it all, with some of them conspiracy, some plausible and some so outlandish that various inept governments around the world probably would do so. a test of any conspiracy theory is "ok, who profits, makes money or gains power from it". mostly, then, it really seems all this data harvesting is just set on selling you stuff. 

a second (of two) tests got gone done, then. once again, most impressive, they worked out the make and model (should that be how one refers to stuff) of the particularly stylish sunglasses i had on. brilliant. why they would try and sell me something i already have is a mystery. writes he who does indeed have multiple copies of the same albums. oh. 

by chance i had given the google a fighting chance of finding moi via an image search of me. rather more from laziness than due to some preemptive anticipation of me searching i have, over the last coupe of years, added and "tagged" a couple of them selfie things on social media, making them possible to be viewed by all (not that many would be interested). going on all of this, they don't use that for search results, instead opting to rather find ways to make money off of you. welcome to the world which we, if not directly created, then stood around and watched come to be. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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