Wednesday, October 18, 2023

cigarettes, glue, warnings and you

hello there

ok, so, yes, then, it is the case that smoking is quite bad for you and one should not do it, and if you presently do indeed do it then you are (likely) best off getting some help and assistance in quitting. at the least this is true for cigarette smoking, look you see, as for some reason cannabis smoking is virtually encouraged in our society. go figure. 

with that disclaimer (of sorts) out the way, on we go. as it happens i, moi, got some cigarettes at a most agreeable price recently. and what was also agreeable (i cannot say with a straight face that it was even more agreeable) is that the big warning message on the box (or carton, or sleeve) was that mega classic one which appears to feature either Ant or Dec out of Ant & Dec on it, getting some medical treatment due to smoking. or so the image casually leads one to believe. 

i think it is the Ant one out of Ant and Dec, for it looks like the one who stands, when you look at them face on, to the left, and they always stand in that order for branding purposes. or, well, whatever. anyway, the point is that the fella on this warning label looks like that one. a bit. true, this is not as class as them Indian or what have you cigarettes what have an actual picture of John Terry (that one) on them, doctored to look like he is in (smoking related) distress. they don't use that one here, as for most of our nation the idea of "Jay Tee" being in some form of distress would be too emotional. but also it could possibly be that the bloke looks like Dec. i am afraid i just don't watch them, they are far too busy and bouncy for me, thanks. 

presently our incumbent prime minister has got quite the bee in his bonnet about smoking. he is doing that trick of distraction, where he blames all on smoking and is looking to ban smoking so that everyone will think he is brilliant. everyone except smokers. i suppose this means he will be hiking the taxes on them (which are already ludicrous) again, and he also has an idea of raising the age limit for buying cigarettes legally every year. a not bad idea to genuinely remove it from society, and if i make it for another few years i look forward to being aged checked for buying some. if i ever go into a conventional shop to get some. 

ahem. i happen to know (or have it on good authority) that independently imported cigarettes are fairly easy to get, and cost around half price of what they do in conventional shops. think about that. it is somehow that presumably less than legal (if not criminal) types are able to import them to the UK, sell them from half price and still make a profit. that is how harshly we are treated. 

make no mistake, may future generations not make the folly of a decision to smoke. but, also, be quite wary of agreeing with them restricting choice just because you, the non-smoker, happen to agree with that one. next it shall be something you like what they gone done target. as things stand, their arguments against smoking are ridiculous. smoking was the reason for many years that the NHS was a mess, remember. well, smoking figures are now at a record low, and the NHS is in a worse state than it has ever been. the toll on national resources smoking takes is insignificant to that which, say, alcohol has. yet they don't appear to target that one. or not yet. 

sorry, no, there is no reference (except here) to glue in this post, but i thought it sounded quite class to include it in the title, so as to make a rhyme sort of thing. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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