Friday, August 18, 2023

yet more interior decor

hello there

just another impulse purchase showcasing (or showing off, if you like, look you see) post. as much of the things what i have bought in furtherance of beautifying my place of exile are. little, if anything, of my decisions in this regard suggest planning. 

so yes, this is (mostly) things what i found down the market which appealed, and then looked kind of all right when i put them somewhere. ostensibly this is about two (2) new things of such (said) nature, but the third (the middle one) is now a thing which i don't think i ever documented here. which is rather out of character for moi

as you can see, in of course the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode, i have indeed gone right ahead and purchased an Alien out of Alien and a Predator out of Predator. well, why would i not. both are very much favourite things, really, and it was smart to be able to get both for not that much north of £10. indeed the one in the middle is a skull effigy (or what have you) of The King, Elvis Presley. that was also off the market, but procured last year, either late November or early December. i had set off with every intention of purchasing Christmas things, but got distracted. well, on my own in exile gave every sense of huge depression following any effort to do festive stuff. 

if we take it as a given that He, The King, Elvis Presley is the greatest thing there (except maybe my well traveled Dallas Cowboys glass tankard), which is my favourite? out of Alien and Predator? i suppose, at a push, Predator. whereas Alien and of course Aliens were quite class, the third and fourth films were not this. i have yet to encounter the Predator film i didn't like. yes, i would include the much maligned Alien vs Predator films, for i enjoyed them for what they were. 

how fortunate, though, that one does not have to choose. i can quite happily live with both of these wonderful concepts on the go, enjoying films with either (or both) in as and when chance permits. and now i can gaze upon likenesses of them (and Him) when i am in my place of exile and am doing things like making coffee. or tea. 

no, i don't really have any intention of procuring any further figures to put on display, for an audience of, mostly, precisely one. but, then again, it's not like i set out to obtain these three, so who knows. well, you will if i do and i add pictures here, i suppose. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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