Monday, May 01, 2023

viz pens, again

ow do

yes, indeed this is me (moi) posting something mostly just to have something to add here, look you see. it would be interesting if this was like totes the first time i had got some free (cheap) pens off of The Viz, but it isn't. as point, or matter, of fact, i now has so many of these items that i have absolutely no clue what i shall do with them. perhaps they should commence issuing free pencils, but as i recall they only given them away if you spot Jimmy Hill in an edition, and yes i have some too. 

as far as i am aware - and no, i have not ever never tested this - all one really has to do is send an envelope with both your own address and a large letter size stamp to them at The Viz and they will post you some pens. normally two (2). but i prefer it when they set some sort of challenge, or quiz, or similar, for you to do in order to be worthy of the pens. in this instance, you had to be part of (yet again) the jury at Fulchester Crown Court, deliberating on a heinous criminal matter. 

the case, in this instance, and it is to be found in edition 325 for those of you interested, features a certain Jacob Rees Mogg (that one) as defendant. he stands accused of peeling a reduced to clear sticker off of some donuts and placing it on a bottle of champange, so as to purchase it cheaper and defraud the retailer (in this instance M&S). compelling evidence is provided that he is, as point of fact, guilty, but also he calls on a certain Boris Johnson (that one) as a character witness. we, the jury, had to send our guilty or (if for some reason you deemed it so) not guilty verdict, along with the SAE so as to get pens as compensation for time lost being on the jury. 

of course i voted guilty, and yes this was determined (the guilt) more or less as soon as i saw who was standing accused. further, or also, why would the police arrest someone who was innocent? however, i did put a note in with my verdict, saying that i am not convinced the matter would or should have been heard before a judge in a crown court. my suspicion is that it would be a civil matter and probably heard at a magistrate level. so, he may well walk free. 

for people interested in such things, yes, indeed it was a stamp featuring HKC3(PO) what i used for them to send me the pens. this is, i believe, the first instance of me getting one. even if i did, of course, kind of (sort of) send it to myself. 

putting Jacob Rees Mogg on trial, for whatever (pretty much any) reason, is something that would cause a good deal of joy, indeed delight, to several people. some caution and care must be taken in doing so, for as i have shown before on this blog he has the power of time manipulation, if not outright abilities to travel in time. who knows the vindictive ways in which he may use this assumed power to seek vengeance on those what dare to hold him to account. 

it is so that The Viz claims they shall publish the verdict in their next edition, due out relatively soon, as in on 18 May (2023). however, the last two (or 3) cases has seen them not publish the verdict. maybe some sort of super injunction thing came in. or they forgot, which is why they have said that they shall publish the verdict if they remember to do so. we shall see. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!