some time has passed, even at time of writing. but i am not sure it has all sunk in, look you see. i speak, or rather write, of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, or as i would be prone to compose HMQE2. now we live with a new reigning monarch, His Majesty King Charles III, or HMKC3. unlike as was the case with HMQE2, one suspects no (valid, let it be said) concern of the numerical value across the entirety of the United Kingdom. whereas Scotland had no Queen Elizabeth I, this was not so with Charles I and II. just in case such arrives in conversation.
it is odd how the mind works, here with particular regards to association of things. the avalanche of news, be it from the wireless, the television or various written forms, can be and indeed has been overwhelming. one would simply need to consider, for instance, the coverage - and indeed phenomenon - of The Queue, which i certainly hope them what do wikipedia delete.
my assumption is that all exposed to this news do, at some point, latch on (for want of a better term) to an incident or aspect, and let it be so that they are taken, in mind, to their own thoughts. this certainly happened to me when, in passing, someone somewhere (likely the BBC) brought a report of Royal Mail, who do the post and that (sometimes), confirming that no further stamps featuring HMQE2 would be produced.
which means that the last, or final stamps of the UK to feature HMQE2 are the most recently issued special edition ones, which so happen to feature - or if you will, celebrate - Transformers, them imaginary robots what turn into cars, or vice versa. sure, undoubtedly they will produce some specific stamps to honour and commemorate HMQE2, but then they had also just done ones to mark the Platinum Jubilee. and any further stamps shall surely be marked with the distinct silhouette of HMKC3.
the "curse" of Transformers, then. i would like to think i am not the only one to have made such an association, and perhaps you have already too. but yes, indeed it was the case that the last credited cinematic performance of Orson Wells was Transformers The Movie. he passed away shortly after he had completed his role in the movie.
anyone looking for some deep, symbolic meaning to all of this are likely best doing so searching somewhere else. really, i just kind of had this association in mind, and for catharsis thought it best to get it all out, here (as usual) rather than keeping it within. maybe, after all, someone else made this curious association, and sought affirmation. if this is such, then here it is.
not really, not really. no. that would, one could reasonably presume, be an answer to the question of whether either Mr Wells (since he was associated first) or HMQE2 wished it to be so that one of their last acts was to be indelibly, historically liked to Transformers. i have no issue or quarrel with anything to do with Transformers, for clarity. from what i recall the Commodore 64 game of it was quite class. i just find it peculiar that one of cinema's most celebrated artists, and certainly one of the most admired monarchs the world has know, would share such a seemingly unexpected final(ish) act.
yes, pedantic fans, i am quite aware that someone somewhere "edited" and released a motion picture in the 21st century featuring Orson, but that, some 30 years after his passing, surely does not count? much like, i dare to state, that the inevitable tribute stamps to HMQE2 won't replace these being the last produced with Royal Mail, in theory based on the name, being in her service.
one recurring subject (that i can recall) here on this (my) blog is, the "ownership" of swans. well, so far as i can answer that one with precisely no (as in zero) research, it is indeed the case that to all intents and purposes yes, the reigning monarch of the UK does "own" them all. messing about with one, then, would presumably be a crime against the crown. also very silly, as they are as vicious as they are strong as they are uber defensive.
does it make the slightest bit of difference to the swans who their current custodian, or if you will protectorate, is? one could very easily go off on a perhaps whimsical, partially metaphorical and certainly philosophical diversion on this subject. except, of course, the answer is reasonably no, probably not.
from what i recall, the image above (which yes, is in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode) and the video below (yes, we've got a video) were taken on the first weekend of these swans finding themselves under the protection of HMKC3. this is, as intimated as recently as the previous paragraph, likely a change which they have adapted to faster than anyone else.
change comes, then, to the ultimate symbol of stability. just now we shall have all new banknotes, coins and, of course, stamps. as far as i am aware, all current variations of these shall remain perfectly valid, with them being phased out "naturally" or over time. if i remember how it was reported a few days ago, at the instance of HMQE2 acceding to the throne (if that is the correct term) one in their pocket would likely have perfectly "legal tender" coins featuring two, possibly three, different monarchs.
realistically, and absolutely, none of this post was intended as any sort of tribute, or mark of respect. also it is true none of this was intended to spark distress or debate. just letting out various associations which came to mind, that's all.
UPDATE oh. it turns out Royal Mail are issuing further stamps with the silhouette of HMQE2 on, a set celebrating (or in celebration of) our armed forces. well, a booklet i got said so, at the end of this month, which is September.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!