Tuesday, February 01, 2022

sometimes i feel like, oh, the whole human race

hello there

i have considered the idea that someone, somewhere, might be interested in how i smell. after some pondering, weighing up the potential reasons for this, i have opted to conclude that no, look you see, surely no one would give the slightest flying f*** how i smell. of what interest could it be?

and yet still, here we are. for some reason i remain steadfast and dedicated to regular, frequent updates here, and thus need to have a thing or two to write of. with little much (of anything) else coming to mind, the subject here is my current choice of aftershave, then. or 'eau de toilette' as such is apparently called within this wretched century which i neither understand nor feel i belong. 

for those still interested (and presumably you are if you are reading), then, it is for several reasons, or at least one or two, that i find myself using something called blue jeans off of versace. 

how, and why, did i come to be a "versace man", if that even is a thing? and yes, Spiros says it is. well, in the midst of the upheaval and era of change that was my 2021, one decision i made was to trim / shave my beard a good deal more than usual. mostly this was down to my top of head hair going grey or gray, yet the beard (and moustache) was all white. even by my usual level of acceptance of looking ridiculous, this was a bit too much of a peculiar appearance. being resigned to shaving on a fairly frequent basis meant that i would need an aftershave thing for, well, after shaving. 

that was when i discovered the odd world i found myself in has apparently ditched the term aftershave in favour of the suspiciously frenchie sounding "eau de toilette", or however one spells it, i am really not that interested. presumably some marketing boffin came up with the change, altering the decent proper name for it to something "trendy". also, if people don't feel limited to using it after shaving, then they can sense a freedom to use it more frequently, and presumably need to buy more. says he displaying three (3) bottles of it. well, tins of bottles of it. 

needing an aftershave, or whatever, is one thing, but what door led me to versace? it's a name i have actually heard of, and thus i was quite surprised by the modest pricing of this one. whilst most of them branded, designer name aftershave eau de lavatory things cost well north of £50 (or thereabouts) this in comparison was a modest, round £15 on special. so yeah, price. 

some may not be inclined to believe this, but i genuinely did not cotton on to, or clock, the fairly obvious Bowie link to an aftershave (or what have you) called blue jean(s). once i did, of course, that was it, this scent is me for life. well, so long as the price remains modest and agreeable, and also it does happen to smell pretty good, too. 

my review of how it smells? not sure how to describe it, but reasonably pleasant. this must be so, for even at a modest price i would not spend further on something which was displeasing. oh, as for why i presently appear to have three bottles (tubes) of it, well, simple. in terms of what you can see, one has about 25% left in it, one is a full tilt new replacement for that when it runs out, and the other is completely empty but it is such a lovely tin and bottle (not pictured) that i am struggling to bring myself to discard it in the waste disposals means of the world (put it in the bin). no doubt i shall address the latter issue, or quarrel, at some stage. 

right, if you for some reason had an interest in my choice of aftershave, there you go. matter all cleared up now so may your mind be at rest.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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