Sunday, April 25, 2021

a new (to me) car wash


yes, presented in Commodore 64 mode of course, look you see. some more, perhaps long overdue, car wash actions, or if you will shenanigans. although i a led to believe that there are some who get somewhat upset when they hear or read that word (shenanigans), getting quite cross and expressing disdain. why, i know not. 

circumstances, or change thereof, means that i now find myself with access to a different car wash facility than the one i would normally use. i am pretty sure that previously, rather than in a future which remains momentarily unwritten, i have showcased more than one such business. unless i am very much mistaken, however, this is the first time i have used this particular one. 

again, as per the last half a dozen (or even dozen) or so musings composed by moi on this subject, which to recap is the functionality of a car wash, there is not all that much i can write of this that has not already been written. well, maybe that is a hasty declaration, the type of which i am so prone to making. 

for yes, this is a slight different car wash than what i am used to. whereas all other i have made use of, or used, have been of a completely enclosed nature, this new (to me) one is a sort of "open plan" thing. there is no roof, as you can see in the image above. if you like a cabriolet car wash, i guess, but not one i would think you would willingly drive a cabriolet car through. 

beyond the fact that this car wash facility is sans roof, everything else appeared to operate quite the same as one would expect. there, above, you can see the big massive flippity floppity brushes what act as the mechanism by which any vehicle you care to fancy to drive through it (so long as it fits) shall be cleansed. 

satisfactorily so, too, might i add. for a reasonable and most agreeable fee (i forget the specifics but i can recall that it was south of £5), the vehicle which i took through this open top car wash was very nicely cleaned. all shiny and gleaming, if you will. 

well but of course there is one of them "animated gif" things for you, right there above. yes, as you can probably work out, that's the big flippity floppity soft brush things heading in the general (as in quite specific) direction of the windscreen. the video on my (relatively still) new phone does seem to come out faster / quicker than it did on the old one, but all the same i trust you find this enjoyable. 

go on then, another picture. if only just the one to show that this was indeed a soft brush car wash what i was using. the specifics of it being soft brush is, to me, interesting. who is it, i wonder, that would actively seek, for instance, a hard brush car wash?

did i find this car wash facility agreeable enough to warrant a sentiment of wishing to return? oh yes, very much so. cost effective and rather pleasantly close to my current place of residence. there is no flaw here which immediately presents itself, so i look forward to being a patron and enjoying a successful relationship with the establishment. 

to state the obvious, then, yes, as and when i next visit a (or this) car wash, surely i shall do all i can to preserve the moment in images (and animated things) as per this installment. indeed my life has devolved or been reduced to such that a visit to a car wash could be consider a highlight, featuring an above the new average level of social interaction. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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