Monday, March 08, 2021

has anyone got this?

hi there

just a (so far as i am aware) rare request, or appeal, off of me, look you see. a film what i saw many, many years ago and was never able to find again recently came to mind. it was wonderful when it did, via someone else mentioning it, for i was starting to think i had imagined the whole thing. 

i saw the film under the name Inside Out, but no, as i saw it in 1983 (or possibly 1984) it is not to be confused with the more recent (in relative terms) Disney film of the same name. or, at the least, from what i recall it was Disney what made one recently called that. as they (Disney) seem to now make all films, i guess so. 

should it help anyone randomly searching to help people out (thanks if so), it seems that Inside Out was the UK title, and in the USA it was released with the title They Weny That-A-Way & That-A-Way. more information can be found by clicking here, if you wish. 

yes, the above is exactly the cover what i remember. from what i recall, this was on the shelf at the petrol station at Marton Shops, where so many films got rented off of. only, i did not rent this one. no, one evening Dad came home with it from there, and we all sat and watched it. that's how come i have fond, or if you like sentimental, memories of it. 

not that, in truth, i can even remember all that much of the film. hardly anything, as point of fact, except i seem to think there was a scene where they end up eating possum meat. 

the trailer, which is available on the web, did not do much to bring memories back, except to suggest it is indeed a fairly funny film. well, have a look. 

certainly, i have had a look at trying to procure (as in purchase) a copy of the film, but alas it seems not to be. from what i can find it did turn up on DVD in the USA, several years ago. alas, that is now what they call "out of print", and copies of it sell for quite a lot more money than i am prepared to part with. especially as doing so would attract a lucrative "admin fee" off of Royal Mail. 

from what i can gather there are one or two "lending library" sort of things on this internet business where one can obtain practically anything. if it is not nailed down, generally someone somewhere shoves it online and lets nature do its thing. should nature be the right term. 

well, anyway, just throwing it out there. should any kind soul have a copy of this to lend, donate or pass on for a modest fee, please leave a message. or, indeed, if you know of somewhere where i may be able to borrow it off of internet, let me know. thanks in advance!

meanwhile, if this has jogged the memory of anyone and they also (for whatever reason) recall, or indeed just remember, this film in a fond way, well, much more of my work here is done. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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