Saturday, March 06, 2021

art for art's sake

geiá sou

i was having a browse of what images (and what have you) i had around to share, look you see, when i stumbled upon this one off of Spiros. as per an earlier, as opposed to future, post, i am likely to be off the line, or if you will sans an "internet" on the date i will pop into the thing here for when it goes, so to speak, all "live" for your entertainment. 

so, then, Spiros. yes, as the many enthusiasts of him out there could well assume, he has been particularly hard hit by all this "lockdown" business, being as it is part of the invisible war on the new plague. not only is one not supposed to go out and "mingle" (or be social), but the overwhelming majority of public restroom facilities have been closed. this has pretty much taken to a halt his most favourite of hobbies, which to recap is of course meeting like minded men (often in uniform) in public bathrooms to form shirt term yet mutually beneficial friendships. 

how has he been spending his time, then? due to a number of confidentiality clauses, and matters of state security, i cannot say too much. but, that said, no restriction what i am aware of precludes or otherwise prevents me from discussing that which he has not been up to. 

the owner, or custodian, of the above defiled (desecrated, or vandalised) vehicle has for some reason elected to blame, or hold responsible, Spiros for the impromptu paintwork. apparently this happens frequently, with the owner stating that (presumably in a smart cockney accent) it "isn't funny" as is quite a lot of bother and trouble to clean. yes, a request has been made to Spiros to "cut it out". 

except, predictably, Spiros is most decidedly not responsible for this. oh, make no mistake it is very much the case that he is quite open (and partial) to sharing his artistic expressions with the general pubic, on any surface which takes his fancy. however, and believe me i have had decades of seeing it, his works are considerably more priapic in nature than the above. as point of fact, his works (lesser and great) are all pure priapic in nature. no way would he fanny about with stuff like what is in this picture. 

could whoever is doing this, then, please cease from doing so. it is apparently not funny, and causing the owner of the vehicle some (considerable) distress. thank you. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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