Thursday, December 17, 2020

disgraced trolley

hello there

yes, another post about shopping trolleys (trollies) in places where they would not usually be found. no, rather where they are not supposed to be found, look you see, for frequently i do see such.

actually, or as it happens, just the one trolley which i spotted on my travels in this instance. which means that we, after this paragraph, are free of me wondering (or pondering) if the correct spelling for the plural is trolleys or trollies. my belief is the latter, but one of them "spelling is f****d" red lines appears under it. 

this was the scene which confronted me (although not in a bold or stark way), then. a lone trolley, upside down, on a common green near some residential dwellings located in a region of fair to middling affluence. in respect of the latter, there are certainly less financially well off place but also a great number of more considered wealth. 

so far as i am aware, there are no recognised, official scrap yards all that close to where i saw this trolley.  as per previous posts on this subject, an awful lot of the recovery of our economy after all this new plague business is going to be based on scrap merchants accepting trolleys (trollies), drain covers and what have you in exchange for no paperwork required, tax free cash. one can only assume, then, that someone borrowed this trolley simply to make it easier to take some shopping home, and then just discarded it in a spot which they for some reason believed unobtrusive. 

i am not sure (no, i cannot be bothered to check) i have ever done that many images of trolleys (trollies) in the greater glory of Commodore 64 mode, so there you go, that one above is for those of you wondering what it would look like. wonder no more, my silent and invisible friends visiting here and reading this, wonder no more. 

do i every borrow or take a trolley from the stores who provide them (generously) for free? not beyond using it to shop with, and then load up the shopping from it and into the car. it has not struck me as a thing of interest to bring one home, really. having no concept of how much longer i have left (and let us not forget, according to science i am immortal, for i have not died as such as yet and so there is no scientific evidence to say i even can die, ever) i am not sure if now is the time to have one of them mid life crisis things one reads about. it would be nice if my imagination stretched to beyond taking a trolley as an act of mid life crisis, but i am quite boring i suppose. 

one of the more interesting points of observance with this trolley was not so much the trolley itself but, as you may have noticed in the first picture, the clear tyre tracks before it. i like to consider such things. were the tracks made by a vehicle, for instance, reversing on to the common ground grass to dump the trolley? or did someone have fun and decided to drive the car full tilt at the trolley to smack into it? maybe the two are unrelated except for being together. 

right, well, more trolley stuff as and when i see it, or when i have absolutely nothing else better to write about. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!