just a bit more from my accidental (or incidental) adventures towards the south east of our land(s), to be sure, look you see. in this instance, yes, showcasing and presenting things what i bought. two, as you may well, no doubt, have worked out off of the title.
in previous, as opposed to future, posts i mentioned that i (very much) inadvertently ended up within the grounds of Canterbury Cathedral. or on the grounds, if that is correct, for my wielding of the english language is cumbersome and not as good as what it could be. yes, it could be more better. whilst some brief insight was given to the postcards i got from there, and let us not forget how such appeared to distress the New Zealand Post Office, it is so that i also bought, or if you like purchased, something else. bookmarks, as i believe you may have ascertained already.

yes, above is an image of the two (2) different types of bookmarks what i bought, presented in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode. i am quite keen to point out that they had several other types of bookmarks. actually, no, the "type" was always the same, for they were conventional, traditional bookmarks, but they featured different designs. and were of different colours, too. but these were the ones which caught my eye, or took my fancy.
as it happens it was so that i purchased 2 (two) of each, but have since sent one (1) of each to two friends; ones i know full well are readers and may well have use for such. so far i only know of one being delivered by the relevant postal service, but i have every confidence that the other shall be delivered by the time this is published. hopefully.
there exists, truly, a third person i have contemplated sending one of these to. whereas i am quite aware of how they do indeed read, i suspect they might have moved on to them "ebook" things, going on their reaction to the fact that cassette tapes of music still exist. for the most part the ebook appears to be a needless and incomprehensible means of destroying the bookmark industry, but if that is what the people wish to do then so be it. should it turn out they read books as books still, i will indeed forward one of these to them, unless they object to such.
something of a (brief) history of Canterbury Cathedral is displayed on one of the bookmarks, as can be noted above, i hope. quite colourful doodles to illustrate it all with. and, why not, for doodles make everything better (almost).
yes, as i think i mentioned somewhere, i have retained one (1) of each of these bookmarks, but i suspect that i shall not use them. presently i am using one off of of that Sherlock Holmes "museum" what we attended by accident. when not using that i have a rather splendid (interestingly wooden) Boba Fett one that a noted member of the aristocracy presented to me as a gift.
on the other is simply, yet elegantly, 'Becket 2020', then. perhaps 2020 is some significant anniversary regarding the life (or indeed plight) of Becket, i know not. but i
do know that
Becket is one of the finest films what i have ever seen, it showcasing acting masterclasses from Burton and O'Toole. maybe they just issue a Becket bookmark each year and indicate it with the year on it, like what Kasabian tried with their albums before the wheels fell off the band.
with respect to the fiscal element of these bookmarks (although it is crass to speak of coins of money), it was so that the Becket 2020 was the more pricey. from what i recall the splendid doodle history one was £2, whereas the elegant, sophisticated yet minimalist Becket one was 50p north. i made a brief, fleeting, off the cuff joke about no longer wishing to purchase it at the higher price. alas, the lady in the shop was unaccustomed to poor, dry humour and took me a trifle seriously. eventually i was able to persuade her to let me purchase it. or them, since i got two. actually four.
indeed there are many, many fine reasons to visit Canterbury Cathedral, even if done so quite by accident, like what happened to me. should you be considering a visit, and the prospect of being able to obtain (or procure) bookmarks of this nature sways you towards doing so, well then so much the better.
thanks, as ever, for taking the time to stop by and read this.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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