Monday, May 25, 2020

the most of boss

hello once more

another delve into the world of junk mail, sent electronically. which is usually called spam, look you see, but no one has yet given me a satisfactory answer as to why. generally, yes, i would prefer not to get such, but i don't get all worked up and distressed about it like some do. besides, as is the case here, often it can be quite amusing.

do be warned, for this junk mail - "spam" - pertains (in a pertinent way) to all that coronavirus stuff, or covid-19 if you prefer the latin term for it, or indeed breathing plague, if you rather prefer to tell it like it is. a general trend in modern electronic junk mail is to latch on to the most popular of subjects. this was not always so, and back in the earlier days of the initial proliferation of email (mid to late 90s) the only "spam" one got was for russian brides and for pills to help with all this priapic.

that said, some qualities have always remained consistently true of any spam or electronic junk mail of any nature. one thing they all seem quite dedicated to doing is a comprehensive, complete and spectacular dismantling of all known was of using the english language.

quite creative and imaginative wording, that. whereas, of course, as the writing in, on, over, across and around this blog testifies, i am no wizard, guru or expert when it comes to writing. except to know to use short sentences. and not so many commas. but. seeing, or experiencing, writing of this nature does make me feel rather good of my own woeful efforts.

one thing about the limitations of my writing which is decidedly advantageous is that it exists purely for itself. at no stage is it used to promote, advocate or sell. i would probably place more effort into it if this were so. sadly, or merrily, for the writer of the above, the quality of the writing is likely to be very much key to the financial success hoped for. the poor nature of the writing (allowing for the imaginative use of capital letters) creates, alas, a discerning apocryphal sense about the product being advertised.

just what is this mail trying to sell me, and many others who got the mail? some sort of defender, or protector, against the plague of the new as the invisible war rages on. going on the images they sent with the mail, as unaligned as they are, i believe a Protective isolation plate is a big plastic sheet.

had they wished for me not to use this pictures here, well, then perhaps they should not have sent them to me in the first instances. it was an unsolicited mail, so toughies for them.

medical knowledge and me are strange companions. i know some stuff, how like for instance that cigarettes are bad for you. but, i smoke. also, i am aware that, medically, everyone dies. but, as i have not died, scientifically the evidence all points to the fact that i am immortal, for i have not died to prove that i can do so. yet i suspect there are some issued with this  Protective isolation plate.

to commence, it seems that the device works on the premise of this coronavirus either operating in just two dimensions, or simply lacking imagination. going on these images, for the defence device to work it must be so that the plague cannot move around corners or edges, or go up and down (or north and south) to seep through any gaps. apparently as soon as it hits a barrier it will just go "oh, bother", falling away and causing no harm.

it is, as the title of this post gives every indication, an aspect of the above which amused me the greatest. that one descriptive line, "The most of Boss", is special. someone somewhere should do an album with that name, or maybe a book or film or something.

should you, for any reason at all, be seeking any form of protective equipment in respect of defence against coronavirus in the invisible war, then please seek the advice of medical and/or scientific professionals wherever you are in the world. have no reliance whatsoever on anyone who randomly sends sh!t like this to your email.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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