well, if you are reading this within a few days of me publishing it, we are well and truly in the main thrust of the Christmas season, look you see. the big day, or if you like December 25th, is a mere 4 or 5 days from now, depending on how you count such things.
this proximity (close or otherwise) to Christmas makes for an ideal opportunity to showcase, or just plain show off, one of the finest cards i have ever received, wishing as it does me well. actually two cards, but we shall get to that.
indeed, this post enables me to do three things all at the same time. doing things like that perhaps explains why the blog post count is down for this year when compared to the ones before, but no matter. so, anyway, in addition to showcasing the splendid card i was generously sent this year, i can also present a present given last year, and do that thing i do where i don't reference Bowie in at least one post per month.
but first, the primary reason for this post. as you can quite clearly see above, yes, this is a most wonderful and decidedly seasonal card what i received. whilst i am quite sure no commentary about it is needed off of me, for the sake of clarity, yes, that does indeed depict David Bowie and Bing Crosby, doing their celebrated Peace On Earth / Little Drummer Boy duet. absolutely essential Christmas listening, of course, along with the b-side of Do They Know It's Christmas, which features a very special Christmas message from Bowie that is best listened to in 1984.
just who do i have to thank (and indeed have thanked, profusely) for such generosity? the sheer quality and class should give this away, but indeed yes, this was from His Excellency, the Viscount of Stockton. commoners such as i simply do not have the resources to purchase luxury like this, and nor do we have the eye for finer detail which enables us to discern and procure them.
yes, there is another Bowie related item in the picture above, and indeed below. again, this was a gift from His Excellency (who has many, many titles beyond Viscount, but he really does not find making a fuss around them at all agreeable), but was issued last year. why not have a closer look.
that is indeed a quasi Lego figurine fashioned to look like David Bowie. well, an imaginary David Bowie, i suppose, for it brings together elements of his Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane and very early Diamond Dogs period. and it is magnificent.
no, there is no error, i did indeed say quasi Lego. although the figure is fashioned to look like it is of Lego, it does not in fact feature the branding. with interest i also note that the Christmas card features no indication of any sort of formal, official licensing. from what i can gather it is the case that the aristocracy, or if you will the landed gentry, have no interest whatsoever in meeting copyright obligations. they are quite busy and take it as a given that such laws are in place to main control over the lower classes.
do you know what annoys me? what the Americans do with the word "Lego". i am speaking about their painful, needless pluralisation of the word to (forgive me for typing this, even just as an illustrative eample) "legos". utter nonsense. one is playing with, or building something out of Lego. that is it, that is all you have to say. so please, America, just stop it. carry on pluralising cheeseburgers as much as you wish, but leave Lego out of it.
exactly what does a Viscount do? some of my readers, in particular the previously mentioned Americans, may be unsure of our class and social structure. well, generally, in the case of the Viscount i know who sent me all this stuff, they (he) just gets on with doing Viscount like stuff. in terms of the nobility, yes, technically it is true that a Viscount does have a place in the succession line to the throne, but not a particularly high one. generally speaking, a Viscount has as much change of being crowned King as that twat, the complete bellend Mr Kim Kardassian has of being "the greatest rock and roll star in the world". which is to say it could happen, but thousands of deaths would have to happen in order to make it so.
but, then again, also yes, it is indeed true that as things stand at time of going to press, any Viscount presently recognised in the UK can indeed state with confidence that their becoming monarch is a more likely scenario than Prince Andrew doing so. for clarification, by all means read up on the silly bother Prince Andrew has gotten himself into, and let it serve as a lesson as to why anyone with any sense steers well clear of ever appearing on something as crass and as common as television.
the smart Bowie-Bing card is one that His Excellency graciously sent me in a personal capacity. i am both honoured and flattered (although not necessarily in that order) to be a member of his social circle. but, there can be no favouritism, and so i, as is correct and proper, also received a formal Christmas card from His Grace, in his capacity as Viscount.
no, true, not as many people as you may think would naturally associate the season of Christmas with Wez out of Mad Max 2 (or Road Warrior if you are American). strictly speaking, perhaps on a superficial level, the hedonistic, celebrated Wez lifestyle of roaming the wastelands, killing and bumming whilst wearing stylish trousers and sharing smart philosophical observations, seems at odds with the ideals and purpose of Christmas. but, them trousers he wears are proper smart.
one more look at the Bowie-Bing card, along with the quasi Lego Bowie figurine? presented in Commodore 64 mode? there is no reason i am aware of as to why not.
right, then. i think that is about all for here. my thanks again to His Excellency for his continued generosity. and, indeed to all those what sent me (and the family) a card, or otherwise held good thoughts about us.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!