Friday, December 27, 2019



some of my friends, and a few of you readers will know, look you see, that it has been an inexplicable and (quite) baffling ambition of mine to get more visitors off of Japan to this blog. it appears to truly be the season of miracles, then, for somehow i have achieved this.

here, look at the viewing figures from those hedonistic twenty four hours which fell across December 7 and December 8 of this very year, or if you like 2019

blimey. 480, or if you like 四百八十. have paid a visit to me and my world. no, absolutely no idea why they would or should, but like everyone they are most welcome, and i am very happy indeed.

nice to see my "unknown region" fanbase remains constant. as far as i can work out, that's people reading this blog whilst on an aeroplane, or out on the seas, or in space.

anyway, once again, thanks to all of you for reading!

tagaini sugurete iru!!!!!!!!!!!

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