Monday, October 22, 2018

well, if it's on the internet it must be true.......


just another one of them sort of "public service" posts, look you see, or if you like, to be sure. whilst i am no expert in what all of this is about, i do seem to know a bit more than others. should one not share what they know, then that is simply lost.

and what this is all about is yet another of them very fake "pop up" things what happen when using (driving?) a computer across the information superhighway known as the internet. i tend to see them every now and then, but this one caught my eye. also, i was short of something to write here.

look, and pay attention. you may have to click on the picture below to make it legible. by all means do so, if you are interested.

now at a glance this might seem "legit". there are, however, many telltale signs it's not real. for a start, the font for Windows is incorrect, and there is no such company as Windows - it would be Microsoft. also, look at the domain names (or web address) - might not Microsoft or "Windows" use a domain in their own name, rather than a sketchy sounding one?

should you get this and call the telephone number provided (i have not blanked it out, feel free to call them and hurl abuse or whatever), one of two things will happen. either they will ask for your card or banking details to pay the fee to "unblock" your computer, or they will request access to your PC, install something which they shall tell you is meant to "remove the block" but will actually harvest all the information on your PC in the hope of finding banking or other such financial information.

if this pops up, how do you get rid of it? quite simple. click "cancel" on that pop up screen, then close down the window. if it gets stubborn, you can simply run something called "task manager". to get to it you can either press Control, Alt & Delete and select it from what pops up, or right click over the toolbar (the bit at the bottom of your screen where the Windows start button is, just click in a blank section) and select "start task manager". you will see it running there in programs, just select it and press "end now" or similar.

anyway, hope this is of some use to someone somewhere. remember, worst case with a computer and stuff like this, simply pull the plug from the wall........

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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