well, what can i say. lots of things, look you see, going on the number of posts what i have done here in the past. but no, in this instance, not for me to say much. Spiros, that much loved character on this blog, and let us not forget the greatest legal mind of his generation, has been pricked, but not in the usual way.
rather than meeting a gentleman, possibly in uniform, in a public bathroom and forming a short term yet mutually beneficial friendship, Spiros has in this instance been pricked to write. and here it is. well, just now.
i can only assume that Spiros is considering writing his memoirs, as what he has written this time pertains to the best five things what he can think of when he contemplates his brother. perhaps you know him, or maybe this will be of general interest.
and so, let me get out of the way, with the words of Spiros coming after this image of him.
5. Random acts of dude violence: the garden fork
through the TV screen when the news came on in Zulu, reacting to 'the old lady'
destroying his treasured copy of New Wave Hookers III by stomping through a
selection of her MGM VHS musical tapes, throwing the Alpine tape deck out of
the video on the M2 North motorway when it ate the Elvis 'Best of' tape
4. Ditch the b!tch: having to drive to
Bethlehem in the Free State to bail out some chick's sister for being drunk and
disorderly and going wee-wees in public could be a new high. Or not.
Telling her to go and buy smokes at a remote petrol station and speeding off
certainly is. Especially as no money changed hands
3. The puke, the whole puke & nothing but the puke:
as experienced by the patrons of "Harlequins Sports Bar" in central
Durban as they queued up to watch Mike Tyson fight some wrestler on
pay-per-view TV in the mid-nineties, and when the dude couldn't work out how to
open the bathroom door of the Hawaii Holiday Flats but mastered the window
latch on the third floor after mixing many different kinds of drinks
2. Dude, where's my shoes?: whether stolen by a smack
head at some remote outdoor rock festival, lost in a fight with multiple
bouncers at a popular casino, p!ssed in by some random passing cat, or fancied
by the pigs at a roadblock who don't agree that beer makes you drive better,
the dude was not meant to be properly attired from a podiatrist's point of
view. All of these events have happened more than once
1. Keeping up with the news we all know what it's like to anticipate a film. The dude was no different
when A*** Teen Tryouts III went into production. He especially went early
to the Hustler Shop at Kensington Corner, Langerman and Kitchener Drive,
Johannesburg, 2094, since now closed, to secure a copy on VHS. Stevie managed to tape free-to-view e-news over the tape in
question. Stevie now lives in NZ and believes number plates are the
future of the capitalist system.
yes, i thought it might be nice to put his words in a sort of delicate pastel pink. also, yes, i felt it best to quite heavily censor the above.
right, let me let you get on with whatever it is you are doing after you have finished with this. except to say nice one Spiros, cheers mate.yes, i thought it might be nice to put his words in a sort of delicate pastel pink. also, yes, i felt it best to quite heavily censor the above.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!