Monday, July 16, 2018

just go back to normal packaging, please

hi there

oh yes indeed, look you see. this will be another post about them there fags, or if you like cigarettes. so, after reading that smoking is very or if you will tres silly and you should not do it, it's entirely up to you whether you carry on reading.

normally i am not prone to conspiracy theories in general, and specifically not those which involve any sort of government shenanigans. why not? because for most of the political shenanigans spoken of in such theories to be valid truths would require governments to be intelligent. time and again they have proven to be as thick as pigsh!t.

for some reason, as an example, we are supposed to believe that the US government has, for some 60 or so years, "hidden" evidence - nay, contact - with aliens. really? a government that cannot do a proper explanation or cover up of the killing of a president? cannot stop a president being implicated in a burglary? cannot cover up a president who likes female attention? i don't think so.

the above, however, has got me wondering. as you have no doubt observed in the magic of Commodore 64 mode, this packet of fags features an image of a child about to shove a lit cigarette in his eye. other than the latent dangers of hiring a child to pose for such a picture - not that Theresa May cares, she has proven time and again that she hates people, children in particular - they have irresponsibly either doctored the image of the child so he looks like Vladimir Putin (that one, the president one), or simply and quite deliberately hired a child who looks a lot like him.

up to now it has been bad enough that, as discussed on this blog numerous times, for some reason it is only white people what feature on these warning images. as if only us ice cream faced ones are the only ones who smoke, are at risk of adverse side effects or are just the ones they want to save. putting blatant political statements in these warnings is just going too far, for me.

i really, really want the beautiful, sleek packaging of fags back. this is particularly true, of course, of my beloved Marlboro, but also all fags. these crappy coloured ones are not stopping anyone - and nor are they meant to, for the government is propped up by tax off of fags smokers and fags makers - and now they are clearly just using these larger warnings as a conduit or forum for political statements.

also artistic eroticism, apparently, going on the above. whereas no, not me personally, honest, the above is clearly intended to stimulate hormones of arousal or whatever, and get people into an erotic state of mind.

if you took that picture above and hung it in a gallery, no doubt it would be praised as a "bold stark statement on sexuality" or some other such rubbish, and get lauded with awards and have a huge price tag placed on it. which is smart, really, but seems to be at odds with the purpose or theoretical intention of it all.

there you go, a clearer look at the "Putin child" the British government of the day insisted be on the packs of fags. yes, i know it is upside down, but so is their thinking. besides, that is how google managed to upload it here, so it will just have to do.

what do i think about Putin in general? my understanding is that he is a formidable judo practitioner. Spiros says that if Vladimir ever mans up and does a proper martial art he will take him on, and this would be a bout i would very much like to watch. other than that, not much really. he seems to mouth off a bit, but i suppose he has done OK for himself. much like whoever, and please may it be soon, takes after Theresa May, it is not like it was all that difficult for Putin to be a better, more effective or just plain coherent leader after Yeltsin.

another look at that erotic warning, but only in Commodore 64 mode? why not.

for all you clever non-smokers who find it wonderful and possibly funny that fags are taxed highly and fiddled with frustratingly, two words - sugar tax. next they will gun for one of your passions, no matter how responsible you are with it or how prepared you are to accept the consequences of use.

anyway, you are probably just here for the pictures.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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