overall, and this might have an answer by the time i publish it, the conclusion of this is that it's splendid to know that people can be made to guess in this day and age.
we do, look you see, live in a time when secrets are tricky, in particular when it comes to making entertainment and arts. oh, sure, you could pull off a secret album if you were David Bowie, or some new songs if you are The Stone Roses, but everyone else not so much, look you see.
this makes it wonderful that we've had a trailer for what would ostensibly be a fourth 'Crocodile' Dundee movie, but no one is sure if it is real or a wind up.
for the most part, like many others, the first i knew of a revival of the film what made Paul Hogan famous worldwide (he was loved and cherished in Australia for a good decade before) was a story in the news questioning whether or not this was real.
a trailer had come out of nowhere. not just any trailer, mind. one that looks particularly clumsy, amateruish maybe and like it had "joke parody not a real film" written wide all over it. should this turn out to be an elaborate hoax, well someone has gone to a lot of time and money over it.
yes of course there is an official site for this film, whether it is real or not. here, in Australian Gold, is the link to the site for the Dundee Movie. except it won't seem Australian Gold, or even canary yellow, if you have visited the site before.
plot? someone called Danny McBride plays Brian Dundee, the illegitimate son of 'Croc' Dundee. for some reason 'Crocodile' has gone missing in the Australian Outback (again) (and in fairness it is bloody massive) and for some reason it's left to Brian to go look for him. as in, for Brian to leave America, head to Australia and look for him.
those doubting the authenticity of this being an actual film cite a continuity error as a clue to the false ways. in the third film, the sadly overlooked quite good 'Crocodile' Dundee In Los Angeles, he does indeed have a son. his name, to be sure, is Mikey, not Brian.
i am led to believe this Danny McBride fellow is rather popular amongst the younger generation. the fact that i've never heard of him is not saying much; i am not down with what the kids dig. but sneaking him off to make a film with no reports is impressive, should all this be true.
also - and this could be someone playing along with an elaborate hoax - word is that Paul Hogan mentioned he was indeed making a new 'Crocodile' Dundee film. but, in fairness, he has been saying that he would like to make one for, say, 25 years or so.
would i be interested in a new 'Crocodile' Dundee film? yes and no. i mean, surely, everyone who saw the original one, indeed two, hold the movie(s) dear. from what i remember when they showed the first one on the tele here in England one Christmas Day it set a record for the most watched thing ever to be broadcast on December 25, ever.
but no, not really if the performance of Danny McBride in the trailer is a sign of what we can all expect. should that be a sample of his acting - i hope it isn't - then it will either be dire, or simply a p!sstake of someone that many of us love.
this all broke in mid-January, but i am shoving it out there mid-February. perhaps the truth of this has been revealed by now. if so, maybe i will remember to update. if it is still a mystery as to whether or not this is a real film, well then splendid work marketing people types.
fair dinkum, me cobbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!