apologies for not much in the way of updates over the last few days. actually, now tht i think on, apologies in advance to the more regular sort of reader - updates shall be a bit far and few between over the next three or so weeks. why? that's on a need to know basis, and if you need to know you are a regular here and are aware of why, that's why!
a third apology would be for the content of this post that i have bothered to do, as i would imagine that it is not of all that much interest to some of you. it is to me, though!
one keeps hearing of how everything in England (or if you will Britain / Great Britain / the United Kingdom / The 'Empire'), with the phrase Rip-Off Britain being one of the best things ever to happen to newspapers and that class, any story will do journalist Mr Phil Space. i decided to do some sort of investigation myself, using one of the more essential items in the world, and must confess that i was horrified by what i found.
Marlboro, king of products and the thing that David Bowie likes so do not argue with me, seem to cost a smal fortune in England. as they seem to allow comparative advertising and pricing there, here's the best deals that i found for legal purchases. and in this instance the definition of "best" should be considered pretty wide.
with that qualification in place, the 'best' deal seems to be on offer at Asda. here's the price of a packet of quality there.

blimey. Michele once saw an advert for Asda and unwisely asked me if people who shop there really do smack their backsides when they leave. on those instances when we are in England, then, i make a point of having her go to Asda and do just that to see how many people stare at her.
the next best price would be found at Tesco. they cost slightly more, but there's a distinct benefit to Tesco's pricing.

the benefit of Tesco's being that there seems to be thousands of these stores in England, with one i am led to believe being within a brisk and pleasant walking distance of where it is in the world that the infamous Harlo Gang live or, if you will, dwell.
finally, for those wondering which place would be a no go for these item, it seems that Sainsburys (or is it Sainsbury's?) is right off the list. have a look at this pricing.

i have two memories of Sainsburys (that's how i am writing it). one is that they seem to think they are like a "chain store variant" of Harrods or similar (the much better Fortnum & Mason, perhaps) and thus tend to go for higher prices, assuming that their clients like to pay more for the prestige of saying they shop there. the other would be that their strawberry jam doughnuts are excellent.
well, there you go. i cannot imagine that this has been of all that much interest to many of you, but if it has been well then so much the better!
i will do my level best to write a proper post or two here over the next couple of days, after that it will be sporadic updates for a few weeks!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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