well, just a few images from the weekend of the boys for you all! sorry, no further pictures of Grandad's excellent train set, although i did note that the last time i saw it the set appeared to be in more pieces than it was when i first did!
James has developed quite an interest in carrying William around with him, without particularly thinking of where he is going to take him and put him down, it has to be said. never mind, here he is on a visit to Grandma and Grandad showing off his new trick!

now, once upon a time, Grandma had the distinct pleasure of loading me, Richard and Gillian up in one pram and pushing us to the shops through the snow. it seems to be a lot easier to do with only William and James on board, and with not a drop of snow in sight!

up until now it seems that William has been somewhat wary of his Grandad. not any more it would seem, as Grandad got some most excellent pictures of him!

also over the weekend James and William had a little impromptu birthday party, with a most splendid cake provided by Grandma!!

it did indeed taste as splendid as it looks, if you are wondering!

and it was more or less in nice slices too, despite James having a right good go at it with a knife whilst his good friend Kyle watched on!

nice one Grandma! as you can see, though, William would rather get on with eating it than he would pose for any more pictures!

hope you all had a rather good weekend!!!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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