here, in no particular order, are the 12 that were released during the year that i can recall seeing! and, by the way, none of these were seen in 3D - i am with Christopher Nolan on this, it is a silly gimmick that hopefully everyone gets bored of sooner rather than later.

i do sometimes raise an eyebrow at how progressively Pixar are just making films for themselves and dressing them up as family entertainment - themes in this and things like Up and in particular Cars seem not really intended for children at least. putting any such concerns aside, this was truly wonderful, and made a mockery of the accepted wisdom that the third film in a series is always worse than those which came before it.

Dreamworks seem to have some sort of rivalry going on with Pixar in regards of making animated, "family" movies. both are pretty much guilty of recently leaning far too much towards "needing an adult mind to understand", but all the same as and when the dragons finally turn up in this move it is rather good fun. i am not sure exactly how many kids watching this are ready for the idea of seeing amputation, so be warned if you haven't seen it yet!

this is indeed a great shame as Leonardo Di Caprio, someone who i have never been all that impressed with, gives the best performance i have yet to see him do. after the dizzying heights reached with The Departed, however, it was a disappointment to see Scorsese apparently slum it with this (at best) b-grade effort.

the film has some charming and witty moments, certainly, but all too often in the space of a (very) short film you get the idea that this one was made for the sake of it, rather than because anyone had some brilliant or inspired idea of a story or adventure for Shrek, Donkey or any of their chums. it struck me as very odd indeed that the most wished to be seen on screen, the "Shrek" babies and the ace donkey-dragon hybrid kids, were just about absent here. all the same, worth a look if you enjoyed the first three, but hardly a essential slice of viewing, sadly.

the two big surprises this film revealed were that Adrien Brody could cut it quite well as an "action star", and Laurence Fishburne could in fact do a really, really bad acting job when he really couldn't be bothered with the material provided. the actual Predators seem to come into the film quite late on, but when they do make an appearance there are some spectacular action sequences. i am not sure what it is that all these "Predator purists" actually want from a film featuring it, but if it wasn't this then perhaps they should move on to other interests.

the film is littered with ludicrous acts of mindless violence, something for which the intended audience are very, very thankful for. Robert De Niro, a man who seems to have given up on making proper films, is wonderful as he is allowed to go as overboard as much as he likes, and any film which presents a bearable Steven Seagal is worth applauding. special praise, of course, to title star Danny Trejo. glad to see he got a shot at being the main star of a film instead of forever being in the background, and my is he impressive.

the best advice i can give you in regards of this film is do seek out the magnificent animated series on which it was based and do not, under any circumstances, bother trying to watch this adaptation, not even for a bet.

after sacrificing close to two years of their careers and a lot of money to make this film, it is very odd that Joaquin Phoenix and Casey Affleck decided to take inspiration from Shutter Island and announce to the world that the whole project was indeed a hoax on the eve of its release. the whole point of appeal for the project was the question "is Joaquin going off the rails for real or not?". giving the answer to that mystery made seeing the actual film somewhat pointless, for you knew the whole thing was fake and thus all you were watching was a (very) badly acted home movie.
it will be interesting to see how much long term career damage the two of them have inflicted upon themselves, all for next to no reason, gain or point made.

the vulgaraties and coarse nature of some of it means that it is not for all, but those who are not too easily offended should check this film out as soon as possible!
there are some glaring errors in the film - what's a poster for Rambo III doing there in 1986, for example - but you get the sense that many of them have been placed deliberatley for people to spot. beyond that, great to see John Cusack return to the kind of performances he gave in High Fidelity and Grosse Point Blank, and it is always ace to see the underused Crispin Glover in anything!

the film features sporadic, seemingly toned down action sequences and enough one-liners to keep you interested. the hugely anticipated on-screen match up of Arnie, Sly and Bruce Willis, however, really isn't worth the 90 or so seconds that it lasts. oh well, maybe if they do make the intended sequel this will get redone, only better.

the plot really isn't much more elaborate than an increasingly marginalized "super villain" with more than a passing resemblance to Dr Evil out of Austin Powers trying to use children to unleash his masterplan only to end up caring for them a very great deal indeed. however, it's exceptional fun watching this getting padded out, thanks in great part to the presence of the wonderful minion characters. the name and artwork for the film might not be the most attractive when browsing for films, but trust me, it's well worth watching.

The A Team manages to stay loyal to the source material much loved by us children of the 80s, yet it introduces enough subtle changes so that it can be appreciated and stand alone for what it is. immense, insane set-piece action sequences are supplemented with fine actors having as much fun with the material as they respect it. probably the best action film of the year, and one of the funniest too.
well, there you have it! of the films that i haven't seen in 2010, i really do wish to watch Inception, True Grit and Iron Man 2 at some point, as well as Wall Street 2. hopefully i get to them sooner rather than later, but time is seldom my own!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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