well, today was rather a busy day, really! Grandma took me, James and William off to see the latest member of our family, Ruby-Lee Valentine! Michele is not to well at the moment, before you ask, and thus stayed at home to rest. wisely, it has to be said, as it was a tiring if incredibly fun journey!
here i am with my new niece, with Grandma and William having a look!

she is as light as she is gorgeous! i don't remember William or James ever weighing so little! so light, in fact, that James could hold her rather well without anyone worrying too much!

we tend to be a bit weary of James holding William as he is rather rough in his approach sometimes, but not so with Ruby-Lee! he loves her to bits, to the extent of, when it was going home time, running from the car back to the house to give her another kiss goodbye!

needless to say, Grandma was rather keen on getting pictures of her with the four of her six grandchildren that she could all at once, so we gave it a go! well done to Lyla and James for sitting reasonably still; William and Ruby-Lee don't tend to wander off to watch Batman or Barbie at their current age!

there's something distinctly odd about photographs of people with babies, as they tend to be so beautiful they make any ugly mugs look good so long as they are holding them. to prove this, behold Richard & I holding our youngest!

note that Richard, for some reason, decided to wear his favourite clown shirt today!

William, as you might have picked up from the above pictures, absolutely loves his Uncle Richard! whenever Richard is around, the whole world stops for William, and he will concentrate only on him! he's very happy to try and mimic him, and giggles away at all he says and does!

this is of course very excellent. Richard, Gillian and i were always exceptionally lucky to have three actual Uncles in the shape of Colin, Trevor and Peter who remain to this day most excellent people! glad that William has a similar relationship with one of his Uncles already! wait until you meet Grant, though, William - his insights into revolutionary and counter-revolutionary accountancy principles shall have you rivited!
now, remember how i said James tends to be a bit rough with William? well, when we asked James to sit by William for a pic, his first instict was appparently to wrestle him to sit where he wanted him to be! this means that we only got the one picture, so here you go!

otherwise, as well as the company, food is always excellent whenever we visit Richard, Erika, Lyla and now of course Ruby-Lee. today was certainly no exception. someone up in their area took the decision to make the most excellent pizza ever, and then make it even better, right, by putting spare ribs on it!

all that's missing is a piece of KFC in the centre! i included the other pizza that Richard seemed so excited about for comparative purposes. that one tasted all right, insofar as any pizza could taste without a kilo or so of spare ribs on it!
well, i am shattered, but have had an absolutely ace day! hope you have all had a most splendid weekend too!!!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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