well, there's a persistent rumour that Stormin Norman himself, my Gramps, is contemplating getting all the equipment required to get "on" to this thing that they call, simply, "the internet". if this proves to be true, i have no doubt at all Gramps will enjoy using the internet for what it was intended to be used - spewing out opinions on absolutely everything to a global audience. that said, i thought i'd better put something else "out there" for him!
today is Gran & Gramps' wedding anniversary! i could tell you how many years, but i dare say that both or either would say it is "more years than they care to mention"! clever people can of course work it out from earlier posts!

these pics are from the last month, forwarded by Dad from a most excellent sounding cruise around the many splendid waterways of Scotland.

if i get to spend nearly as many years with Michele as Gran & Gramps have had together thus far, i shall have done very, very well indeed! Michele will need the patience and stamina my Gran has to keep with Gramps, mind!

hope you are having, or indeed had, a wonderful day, Gran & Gramps! lots of love from all of us here!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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