Gillian has sent on some "recent" pictures from how things are going down in New Zealand. i cannot be more explicit nor precise than recent, as Gillian just takes the pics off her camera and sends them in accordance with certain astrological guidance, or as and when she can be bothered (or, if you will, "a***d") to do it.
here's a rather splendid picture of Daniel, who is in a spectacular costume, but one i fear that is somewhat at odds with the "under the sea" theme i am led to believe the party had!
very smart outfit! Daniel does like his dressing up, it seems, as can be seen in this picture!
now, Michele reckons that if boys have a big sister they look up to it's normal for them to dress up like this. i suspect that it has more to do with Grant, really, and i don't have a big sister myself and yet probably would very much enjoy dressing up like this.....
one thing is for sure, though - dressing up and running around can be so very, very tiring!
nice one Gillian, thank you for sending on such splendid images!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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