well, first off, thank you very much indeed to those of you who read my 1000-odd word tribute to an obscure, hard to find Duran Duran album in the last post. i do appreciate that the majority of my visitors pop by to read less Simon Le Bon, more the family, though. to this end, here are some pics (well, two) from earlier this evening!
William at just a little over six weeks is getting rather responsive. he's rather keen to smile, giggle and indeed have a go at a laugh at Mummy and James when they play with him. i tried to get some pics of that, but they were a touch blurry. i suspect this is related to James "perfecting his art" by using the camera and dropping it every now and then, or it could be because i am rubbish at taking pictures.
in any event, two of the more "posed pictures" came out just fine, so here you go!
oh, i am sure William smiles and giggles with me too, by the way. the trick is that he sees me as "man with beard" (name that show and episode), and he doesn't really like my beard, so he crawls right over my shoulder to have a good look around!
the rather fancy video camera that Mum & Dad got us for Christmas does pictures too - i will have a bash at taking some pics with that next, see if they come out better. hopefully before James has a bash with it himself, although we are rather wisely keeping it out of his reach for the moment.
hope all is well with you wherever you may be in the world!!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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