well, thanks to the most excellent site Record Store, and indeed to the Post Office for managing to not only deliver the record but deliver it in one piece too, i am now the proud owner of the splendid new Ian Brown single, Just Like You.
as one of the outstanding tracks on the outstanding My Way album, it was ace to see that Ian had given the go-ahead for this to be released as a single, backed with a remix of the track by no less than The Prodigy.
whereas it's a bit disappointing not to get a new or live track on the b-side, there's no arguing with the majestic nature of the 12", CD and poster package!
now then, there are two class things about the poster. first off, those with an eye for the finer details will have noted that it's, erm, "more than a little" bit Stone Roses in style. secondly, just what is that down in the corner?
when i opened the package and saw that we were one of the fortunate few to get their copy of the poster signed, well, what else could i say but YESSSSSSSSSSS! Record Store are really ace at getting these signed packages - this one shall take pride of place in my collection, which thus far features items signed by Brett Anderson and the Manics!
on a possibly sadder note, one can't but help wonder how much life the fine artform of the single has left. with the recent success of an old Rage Against The Machine song getting the coveted Christmas Number One spot from downloads only, one can't but help fear that record labels just might start to think proper, physical releases are no longer worth the cost and effort. i hope that this is not the case, i really do.
in the mean time, you can order the 12" (with an unsigned poster) or the CD single from Record Store if you haven't already!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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