well, here we go with starting off posts with "sorry for the lack of updates" again. ahem,
sorry for the lack of updates of late! i am sure you can appreciate that we have our hands full with the arrival of William, and of course the rather important matter of our beloved James turning 4! as James requires a minimum of 2 (two) birthday parties each year, we've been really busy!
first up was a party on Saturday for some of his school friends (and indeed Mum & Dad's friends) (and Grandma's friends) to come along and play. for this occasion, James decided on a rather magnificent Star Wars cake!

we gave him a few pics to choose from, and i think he just went with the one with as many characters as possible on it - i thought he would have had the one with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon on it, but never mind!
one of the most excellent discoveries that James made was that he really, really really loves the device known as the see-saw!
erm, i was rather too big to play on it with him properly, but fortunately he had his friends around him to play with him somewhat better!
soon, though, it was time to have a go at that lovely looking cake. here he is getting ready - well done Grandma, this is an ace picture you got of him!

and, as you can see, sometimes the lure of icing (and indeed the Astros around it, acting as a border) means that sometimes you just cannot wait for all that blowing out candles, singing Happy Birthday business!
and, in case you were wondering, yes indeed it was the case that William's first "official" outing was to be at his big brothers' birthday party!

many thanks indeed to all who came along and made it a wonderful day! as for all the lovely presents James got, well, it's hard to say which is a favourite, as he's really enjoying playing with them all! a special mention, though, to the excellent Lego "Hoth Battle" set that Auntie Maria and Uncle Sinbad (for it is he) got him, that was opened first!
on to James' actual birthday today, and it was time for another cake. this time James decided he wanted a cake bearing the image of Aladar the dinosaur out of the film Dinosaur.
a big round of applause, ladies and gentlemen, for Grandma who arranged both of this magnificent, splendid cakes!
i believe that Dinosaur is one of the more popular films to watch on rainy days and "quiet times" at James' school, which is probably why he wanted to take that one there. just as well, really, as by all accounts all the children loved it!

Grandma and Grandad loved their slices of the cake too, but as they have not sent on any pictures from their visit today, i can't show you an image of them enjoying the cake! Grandad really liked it, evidenced by the fact that he assisted James in finishing off his bit!
needless to say, actual birthday meant more presents, and James has spent much of the afternoon playing with the "Crazy Train" as he calls it that Grandma and Grandad got him, as well as some wild, wonderful "3D Dinosaur Adventure Game" that his Mum & Dad picked up!
now then, to finish off, a little game for you. here is a picture of some of the birthday cards James received. can you spot the one from Auntie Susan?
i think Susan is still spending far too much time wondering which flavour cup-a-soup Noddy and Dave will be having for dinner whilst she is out shopping!
right, that's all from your rather tired out narrator for the moment! more sooner or later!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!