well, a very happy anniversary indeed to the artists formerly known as my Mum and Dad, now currently operating under the name of "Grandma & Grandad to Lyla, Katie, Daniel, James and James' sibling whose name i am not giving away just yet"!!!!
wow, the big 40 today! sorry that we couldn't find a "ruby" card for the occasion, hope the one we sent along is fine, and i'm pretty sure that the one James wrote is excellent!
how about some pictures to mark the day? certainly. Dad has gone on a bit of a bender in this regard, it has to be said. i kid you not, dear readers, my Dad has scanned somewhere close to 2000 (!) pictures of late, i have them sat on a memory stick right here!
i won't be putting all 2000 pictures up here, but here's some which are certainly nice to have here today! let's start off, then, with a time that Sugar Sugar by The Archies was number one in the charts, and indeed a certain David Bowie sat at number 16 with Space Oddity.......sounds like a good as day as any to get married!

a very stylish look from the both of you! now, ideally, i would like to go with pics every ten years. not quite possible i'm afraid, but let's fast forward a few years from the above to a time when, interestingly, When A Child Is Born by Johnny Mathis was at the top of the chart, Queen sat at number four with Somebody To Love and Rod Stewart had no less that four singles in the top 50......

i think the astonishing success of Rodders at this time explains Richard's hairstyle, although he does look somewhat confused by it! yes, that is indeed baby Gillian - follow the charts and you can work out how old she is; i am not saying the year as i do not want to get knacked off her! ace tie, by the way, Dad!
right, on to the coolest decade ever. now, i am not sure exactly what year this one is from, but i have narrowed it down to two. it's entirely possible that when this pic was taken The Power Of Love by Jennifer Rush was at the top of the chart, with Trapped by Colonel Abrams in the top ten, the Miami Vice theme at number 14 (if so, i bought the picture disc of the 7", so you didn't get the most expensive card from me that year, sorry), and - Mum this is just for you - The Simon May Orchestra were in at number 22 with Theme From Howard's Way....

...and if i am out by a year, the splendid Take My Breath Away by Berlin was number one, Gillian's top tune Every Loser Wins by that t*at Nick Berry was Number 7, and Simple Minds' (Don't You) Forget About Me was number 98 in the charts. which is not all that impressive, until you consider that it was at number 90 exactly a year before - talk about a constant seller!
as far as the picture goes, it was taken in a studio somewhere along the picturesque, magnificent North East coast. Redcar, i believe. if i remember correctly, it was taken by someone who was wise to the ways of converting Beta to VHS, and thus he probably did us (well, me and Richard) Commando via this long forgotten art form....and going back to the actual portrait picture, a rather splendid, larger version of it hangs with pride in the place us kids call South Fork!
onwards to the 90s, then, and i am not sure what year this one was from. i have "sort of" narrowed it down on the basis of the car and number plate. for their anniversary of this year, it would either have been Breathe by The Prodigy at number one, or if i am out by a year it was the splendid Perfect Day for Children In Need. it would be nice if it is the latter, as i suspect my Mum & Dad are not quite as big fans of The Prodigy as they could be.

the car in question had an absolutely ace car phone set up in it - this was all before coloured teeth things and what have you. you got a really berserk echo effect off of it when you called people, rather surreal and very ace! if i am well out on the chart, it was Robson & Jerome at Number 1, with Wonderwall by Oasis holding the all important 3 spot.
onwards to the present day (sort of), then, and here's a great picture of them from the expedition to Zanzibar they took earlier this year!

sadly, charts and buying music don't seem to matter much more, which is why for this anniversary something called JLS, which soulds like rubbish, is in the top spot. somehow the fantastic Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac is at number 96 i see - probably something to do with "legal downloads", whatever the hell they are.
well, i hope this has been a splendid journey down memory lane for Mum & Dad, although probably not as exhaustive as the DVD that Dad "conceived and designed" that took me (or rather the PC) only 25 hours to make! for everyone else, hope the names of some bangin', solid tunes have cropped up and you remember, or if you are young envy, the days when music was rather important!
be most excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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