i am very much indebted to Mr Colin Hart for his discovery and uploading of this ace class picture from quite a little while ago!
it is, as the title suggests, Form E1, of which i was a proud member. they have changed how they refer to the years now, but for us "old school" types, this is either us from our 4th or 5th year (late 87 - early 89) since us boys are allowed to wear the ace black jumpers instead of the navy blue pullovers and cherished school tie. if i had to state a date, i think it's 4th year, but stand to be corrected.

to my great shame I cannot recall the name of everyone on this pic - my most earnest and sincere apologies. however, on the off chance that some of my chums google their name, let me list who i can remember. this could get rather lengthy and be of little interest to the more casual reader of this site!
so, starting at the back, from the left : Alex Blackburn (had Star Wars on a double sided V2000 tape, now a surfer), Chris Marchant (wished to work with style, a connoisseur of quality clothes, music and ladies), Julia Woods (U2's With Or Without You, got me a Frankie Goes To Hollywood scarf for a birthday present), Nadine Cross (one of the most wicked laughs you would ever hear, got me a rare 12" of Frankie Goes To Hollywood's The Power Of Love for a birthday present), Marc Suthurst (always there on Monday to discuss Sunday's edition of Spitting Image - Nippon), Danielle Crawford (owns or at least owned the biggest dog in history, once suggested that i look like someone who should be called George), Kate or Katie i think (sorry!), Nicky Sinclair (talented athlete, looked like Tom Cruise and bought Whitney Houston records), and then Jamie (i think - joined us late, arrived as a bit of a wild card with pierced ears and a habit for smoking. good lad, though. i think his Dad worked for BT?).
middle row : Andrew Robinson (versatile athlete), Jonathan Goodall (Heritage Hampers, good lad), David "Milly" Milwall (once let off a can of "f#$* spray" in a Harry Sargeant music class - nice one!), your humble narrator (!!), Geoffrey Cox (a sharp wit to easily match the likes of Stephen Fry), Mark Fisher (i will bet that lawyers, guns and money feature in whatever he's up to), Jonathan Marron (an immense intellectual capacity matched by a sharp, observational sense of humour), Richard "Bozz" Morris (a champion of the BBC Acorn Electron PC, capable of ace Leonard Nimoy impressions), Colin Hart (the pic provider, had Friday 13th and A View To A Kill on the Commodore 64) and Paul Schaffer [edit - whoops! Christian, thanks Colin!] (keep thinking it's actually Craig? either way, a devout and loyal follower of Middlesbrough).
front row (and this is where the memory goes) : don't remember (sorry!), Helen Kitching (versatile singer and, apparently, world traveller), can't remember (REALLY VERY SORRY, if i recall a certain party at John O'Boyle's correctly....), Rebecca Griffiths (outstanding cross country runner, was the first person i saw when i heard that Holly Johnson was releasing a solo record and thus got a huge embrace from me), Sir Ronald Mitchell (Lord of Wales, however did he put up with us for five years?), don't remember (sorry! i deserve a beating), the exquisite Caroline McCormack (simply stunning, and a good friend), could be Vicky [edit - Vikki?] Hewson (i think, if i am right, she had an ace story about her parents daytime hobbies and a friend who was visiting discovering them.....) and finally, erm, don't remember (sorry sorry sorry!!)
well, there you go then! once again, my sincere and great thanks to Colin Hart for providing the picture, and my deepest apologies to those on the pic whose name have slipped my mind over time - sorry, the fault is mine entire.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
This is MILLY David millward and yes i would set the fart spray off again i have still not grown up from school have done well own my own business employ over 100 men at the moment in security.
would like to say i named my first born child DANIELLE after my first true love danielle crawford.
if any one from school would like to contact me my number is 07515009337 my e mail is millwardd@btconnect.com
look forward to hearing from any of you for a laugh
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