James, for reasons we cannot fathom, has a major issue with his hair. he really can't stand to have it washed, and he's really not a happy camper when it's time for a trim. Michele does her best to do it quickly and nicely for him, but it ends up being a rather theatrical crying session, and costs us an awful lot in lollies and sweets to try and keep him still.
Michele eventually managed to get his hair trimmed a bit (well done!); it was going right over his eyes and ears so we had little choice. one of the factors, oddly, that persuaded him to let us cut it was having a go with our new vacuum cleaner when done!
here's the finished product!
a very good job with the hair under rather trying circumstances, well done munchkin! and yes, i know i am probably going to get knacked for putting up pics of you in your "Sunday best", also known as your pyjamas!
James was somewhat more enthusiastic about the vacuum cleaner than he was about the hair cut. a pity that he didn't actually hoover up any of the trimmed hair, but never mind!
now, usually James doesn't like having his picture taken. today, however, instead of wanting to get home from school and watch his favourite shows, he was rather keen to show me his skills on the jungle gym climbing frame thingie, and have me take some pictures of him! enjoy them, it's rare to get posed images!

sorry the quality of these are a bit off - i believe my settings on this phone camera thing are wrong. well, that and quickly wiping remnants of Marlboro leafs and shreds of a rather fine chocolate muffin that hit my pocket probably didn't help.

i very much doubt that we shall try another haircut before November / December, really. who knows? by then he might have become a bit more style / fashion conscious and ask us to do it!!!!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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