well, a very warm welcome is due. two actually. first, welcome home Dad, glad to hear you had a good time away and delighted to see you home, even though they tried to lose some of your luggage! secondly, and perhaps most importantly for the enthusiasts of this site, it's a welcome back to this page of pictures of my Dad in his pyjamas...

as you can see, New Zealand offered my Dad the perfect platform to perform his preferred ways of relaxation, which these days seem to involve wearing an ace hat and having a nice cup of tea whilst hanging around in his pyjamas.
Gillian, Grant, Katie and Daniel were also kind enough to let Dad bother certain appliances in the kitchen whilst he was over there, much as he did in the Harland kitchen on his relatively recent trip to glorious Middlesbrough....

are there any more pictures of my Dad's trip to follow these? the answer, readers, is oh yes indeedy! today i was presented with a folder on his laptop that contained over 9 (nine) GB of pictures from his trip. Dad is wondering if that is "a lot". well, let me give you a clue, Dad - a DVD of Apocalypse Now or Where Eagles Dare, or any other 3 or so hour film you could name, would usually take up about 7 (seven) GB of space......
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!
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