many thanks indeed to friends and family around the globe who sent their birthday wishes on to me today. it was all very kind of you indeed and made for a most excellent day!
needless to say, James really loves birthdays. not content with kindly opening all my cards and presents for me, he expected some birthday cake at 6am!
James had to wait for the more appropriate hour of 6pm for this, but my word the wait was worth his time! have a look at a detail of the most excellent cake that James and his Mummy put together for me!
sadly there seems to be no picture of the most excellent figurine of a construction worker dressed all in black wielding a chainsaw, but at least he sat on top of my piece of cake!
my good friend Spiros celebrates his birthday soon. he will also have a construction worker on his cake. and, if i recall his top band correctly, there will also be a Californian motorcycle copper, a Native American (or whatever the current correct term is), a sailor and, of course, his favourite a leather man with a macho mustache.
in the mean time, guess who helped me blow the candles out.....
i trust that you have all had as good a day as i had today! for those reading this at verk, once again thank you all for your very kind good wishes!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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