this is no bad thing at all, really. long overdue, in fact. whereas the audio CD was unable to capture the quality and beauty of a vinyl record, DVD smacked tape into the middle of nowhere with superior quality on every level.

of course, DVD isn't perfect in that regard - surface scratches, fingerprints and the like can soon cause a disc not to work. but it's a piece of cake to clean a disc and try again; not something you could ever do with tape.

there's a lot of talk about DVD being obsolete in a few years, with this blu ray business taking over. i somehow doubt that this will be the case - blu ray remains incredibly expensive compared to the ever decreasing cost of DVD, and there's no immediate vast improvement in the quality either to the average viewer - certainly not enough to go out and spend a fortune on upgrading an entire collection again straight away.
goodbye, then, VHS. thanks for years of fun, and being the first thing to bring movies into our homes and bedrooms. you served us all rather well!!!!!!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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