superstition is all we have left
most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine.
Monday, March 03, 2025
another laundry visit
Saturday, March 01, 2025
books what i read
usually i would deliberately not read two thematically similar novels in a row. so after reading one legal thriller next would likely be a horror or at least a thriller not really legal related. yet on i went to give a go to a novel i likely picked up 3 or so years ago, being Fifty Fifty off of Steve Cavanagh. as the stickers make abundantly clear this one was purchased from The Works for what looks like a very good price.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Saturday, February 22, 2025
hey what's going on down there
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
when i look back upon my life it's always with a sense of shame
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Sunday, February 09, 2025
Tuesday, February 04, 2025
Saturday, February 01, 2025
air max
Monday, January 27, 2025
now that now have stopped doing now
Thursday, January 23, 2025
koala endorsement
i would, truth be told, suspect that it is no bold action on my behalf to suggest that few, if any, of you are even in the slightest interested in what goes on in my bathroom. doubtful there is much concern either, look you see. rather unfortunate, then, that the only thing i have to write of momentarily pertains to the purchase of an item which (conventionally, at the least) is used in the bathroom.
for context, as some of you are (vaguely) aware my verk adventures are of a nature which see me spend quite little time at home, my lodgings in this era of exile. i would not care to speculate on exact numbers, except i shall. at a guess well north of one half of a calendar year sees me away. it may well be closer to two thirds, or if you like 66%. the relevance of this is that i don't usually need or require all that much in the way of "the basics" at home. for example i have just bought a "mega xl" pack of them washing pods which (for some reason) American kids got all excited about eating a couple of years ago. such a pack would likely last a usual household 3 or so months, but for me i would reasonably expect that the number of pods in the pack (north of 50) shall last the year.
normally i have a reasonably good sense of when i need to stock up on things such as, for example and also specific here, toilet paper. just before the most recent Christmas (2024) it turned out i had oddly miscalculated how much i had. despite not running out (fairly close but still) i made a solemn pledge, or if you will vow, to ensure such was avoided again. which has led to a change in direction.
absolutely not is the answer to any question you may have in regards to (or in respect of) exactly how long i believe it shall take me (and the quite rare visitor) to get through 24 rolls of koala endorsed Cushelle toilet paper. for a more general, quasi thumb suck guess, i would be somewhat surprised if i needed to purchase more at any point of the first half of this year (2025). it might be that in the time between the Glastonbury corporate weekend and the Oasis shenanigans i will note a depletion of my stock, but that would (i suspect) be dependent on how much time i am actually at home before then and, well, exactly how much of it i propose to use.
switching (and this is a rare if not serious then not intended to be humorous observation, yes i know i am rarely funny) brands is a decidedly risky move when it comes to personal, or if we are honest intimate, intended use items. we are creatures always seeking comfort, and that is no criticism. one generally sticks with a brand because they know it and are comfortable with it. outside of companies ceasing to make stuff (i refer you to my Dad and his beloved love bead toothpaste, search away) it would be usual only for people to switch such brands for economic reasons. to evidence that, well, look at my plight with illicit (ahem, sorry, independently imported and distributed) cigarettes. gone is the financial ability to enjoy Marlboro Red all day every day, here is an era of goodness knows what i am smoking on the cheap but it gets the job done.
once more i state that i would take as a given no one shall have much interest (if any) in this, but then again if you have read all the way to this point my thanks for doing so. as of yet no, i have not actually tried this new toilet paper (i was not so close to running out as i thought), and also no, i shall not be sharing any sort of performance review here. sorry for that.
be fair dinkum to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!