Sunday, October 06, 2024

car wash returns

hello there

indeed it has been quite some time since i have, perhaps inexplicably, documented my making use of a car wash facility. this is with good reason, look you see, but let me save that particular text for later, so as to pad this out somewhat. 

once again i am baffled as to why anyone would wish to look at a post of this nature. for whatever reason, however, these posts (on car wash stuff) seem to get a lot of "hits". so far as i am aware i write this, the whole blog, for my own amusement, but if passing strangers find some of it interesting then so much the better. 

yes, as you can (most probably) determine anyway, i went with the "thermal" camera approach for it. i do indeed very much miss the great days of Commodore 64 mode, but it just doesn't work on whatever version of whatever phone i have. so many times in this peculiar century technological advances appear to take us backwards and limit rather than go forward and expand. Orwell would indeed have much more to write of than he ever feared. 

as to why there's been no car wash updates of late (or for a bit), mostly it struck me as unwise to do so. there's a bit of a story here with much of it, alas, i can't really divulge. perhaps it would be prudent to say that them what are responsible for my vehicle being in tip top condition have an as yet unexplained score to settle with me. which is why for three (or so) months i had a (vaguely legal) temporary side mirror in place; the sort that is mostly tape based and unlikely to fare well in a car wash. 

some video for those of you what like that sort of thing, then. yes, that's the video above. i went with VHS mode because why not. actually i think there's a way to do video with both the thermal and, if we are honest, mostly disappointing psychedelic app things i have. up to now i haven't really been inclined to experiment with either, although now i think the thermal one might make some quite class videos. 

how did it feel? i mean, going and using a car wash after so long? not as exciting as you may presume. it's a necessary thing i suppose, and it was a bit of an irk in life not to have been able to use one for a while. satisfactory, mostly, would be the answer. that said it didn't clean up my vehicle quite so much as i would have expected for the fee (just south of £5), but as it was not for me to pay then i cannot complain too much about it. 

there's the big floppy wet brush thing going past what is the passenger side of the vehicle for those living in countries where they drive on the proper side of the road. undoubtedly our friends in America, Germany and that lot in France will be confused. yes, that is a collection of cassette tape shaped air fresh things what i have on the go. no idea what they smell like, or if they actually enhance the scent of the vehicle, i just think they look good. 

now that i have armed and fully operational mirrors all around, or at the least ones which (the evidence to hand suggests) can survive a car wash, yes, i will be going to one again. quite likely sooner than the unexpected time between the two most recent visits. perhaps i shall use a different facility next time, see if that doesn't do a better job. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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