Monday, July 10, 2023

using a london car wash

ow do

indeed it is less (or "fewer") than a month since i did a post on the subject of a car wash. well, i don't have that much else to write of momentarily, look you see. besides, it could be argued that this one adds something different to the usual. which, in fairness, pretty much is in the title. 

yes, then, i was in that there London (innit) with one particularly unclean vehicle. also a vehicle running somewhat low on fuel. so, i went into a petrol station, one that my verk pays for the use of, and observed, or otherwise noted, a car wash facility there. 

predictably enough, then, was me making use of this facility. and of course this cost a good deal more than the same service in any other part of the nation. whereas yes, it is verk what pays, i do not go looking to waste their coins. but, well, my vehicle was truly filthy and needed it. so, £5 was agreed on as the most modest price for the most basic of services. 

there is no way that i have enough of interest to write around all these images and animated things, but i shall (as usual) give it a go. my understanding is that anyone who(m) is for some reason interested in this kind of thing will probably like to see a different sort of car wash in a different place. 

first animated sort of thing (gif, i believe) above, then. yeah, that is indeed the big floppy soft wet, or if you like moist, brush(es) going over the windscreen. indeed they did seem somewhat bespoke, or of a higher quality than the ones you would find across the rest of the country. that's the London lifestyle for you. which i appear to have taken on, despite living well away. 

how much fun is it driving around that there London (innit)? as much as you would think. mostly it's a lot of standstill traffic. recently, for instance, i was able to listen to the entirely of the (superb) album Blast off of Holly Johnson whilst moving only a little north of a mile on my journey. as and when one does get on an open, clear(ish) road, you get a sense of fear that you have turned on to one of them many roads in the place that you are not actually allowed to drive on, and sense a fine in your very near future. it is little wonder the people down there get so quite cross all the time. 

above is the soapy water all over the windscreen. i quite like that picture. it's somewhat abstract, and could well be made use of as a smart, intriguing album cover. except we don't really get boss album or record cover artwork no more, for what is the point if the majority "stream". now that i look, the off centre white bits look a bit like a lady in a bikini heading towards me. unfortunately no, no such incident of that nature occurred, but what a lovely thought for the future. 

so, how do i cope with the traffic? well, there's always something interesting to observe, watch or look at. also, i remembered how my mate (or if you will bum chum Spiros) used to quite enjoy tangling with the taxi drivers down there. if you straddle lanes in front of them, in particular around big, busy tourist areas, they tend to give you a little hoot and use some language which they should be ashamed of. such things do indeed help pass the time a bit. mostly, though, vibes on the stereo. 

one of them scenes of the brush going past the passenger side, then, on a vehicle designed to drive on the correct and proper side of the road, of course. this shall confuse them what are in America as their cars are made backwards. indeed so are French ones, but that's predictable. 

my understanding is that the water is "different" in London (innit). they suggest that it is "hard", which is an interesting thing for a place filled predominantly by shandy drinking southern softies. of course this means "special" requirements are needed, like different sorts of tea bags which cope with their water. i suspect the more posher residents use fancy bottled water for tea, mind. and probably coffee too, or whatever avant garde fancy things they drink now. 

now that i think, then, this shall be the first time my vehicle has been washed with "hard" water. at least so far as i am aware. has it made it all cleaner or particularly shiny? not that i have noticed. 

those of you with an interest in provenance have probably worked this out, but yes, i did indeed use a car wash quite close to that Hammersmith place, if not right in it. and that's just about all i can write of on this subject. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!