and, well, i am "back", look you see. not written anything for here as such for a prolonged period of time, which is unusual for moi. yet, for you, of course, the last thing i wrote here is just above or below, such is how the nature of published things verk.
for those who took the time to read my last work of scribe, indeed my leg(s) has (have) improved somewhat, if only slightly. even maybe fleetingly, perhaps. what's wrong with my leg? or legs? not exactly sure, in truth. indeed i am aware that i should consult a suitable, properly trained and qualified physician, but such is the life that i am disposed to follow i have, but of course, decided to have a bit of a whirl at self medication. this is, at the least, a step up (or sideways) from just ignoring it on the basis that doing so shall make it all go away.
wasn't sure which of these two (2) above would be more suitable to mend my leg with, so of course i decided to get both and see what happened. my first instinct was very much to get the "heat" variation of deep, for my understanding is that this is what helps all sort of movement pain. assuming that what's wrong with me (or my legs) is something that can be mended off of such treatment. then Codename Magic chipped in, suggesting that either "just cold" would be better, or an alternative dose of each. so, i purchased the "freeze" variation of deep, too. quite expensive, this healing business.
guesses or assumptions as to what might be the actual issue? many, if not several. in, or on the betting pool presently are things like "smoker's leg" or other such circulation issues, possibly "long" covid of the plague, simply pulled muscles, regular thrombosis or deep vein thrombosis off of all the driving what i do, a kind of blood clot thing that isn't as immediately fatal as that has always sounded, or even something else that i can't remember. as and when i get to a medical professional i am very confident that i will get told simply to lose weight, get a better diet and (of course) cease smoking, for that will fix everything. my intention would be to ask said professional to rather do a bit of work instead, and see if they can't come up with an actual resolution or remedy which may assist.
yeah, a selfie. of moi (of course), in Wales, look you. for some reason i believed that the absolute best thing to do to mend my leg was to drive in the vicinity of two hundred miles to Wales, so that the magic of the place could enable healing. did it work? well, certainly leg felt better at the end of the week i spent there than it did at the start, so yes, kind of, i suppose it jolly well did.
do i, for the sake of asking a question some may have, appreciate that my "shot in the dark" approach here, which is using ointments, potions and so forth without understanding which ones i need for i have no clue as to what is actually wrong may actually compound, or accelerate, the matter? yes. but, well, one has to have a go at this, do they not? i keep hearing on the news how our medical system is complete and totes f****d, so i am reluctant to consult with them. even though i know i should.
no, i don't have any immediate concerns about what a doctor (or similar) may speak to me of when i have, finally, secured a consultation. and, you know, we have moved past the weight / smoking elements of the conversation, as necessary and true as they may be. i believe i shall be at peace with, or accepting of, any determination of issue. the present day world may very well get all excited about simply seeking others, historical or current, to blame for their plight. not so i, for anything wrong with me was done by instrument i willingly wielded.
so which of the two helped with my leg(s), which just basically knacked and kind of refused to work properly, at least first thing in the morning? on balance the "freeze" variation, i believe. which kind of makes sense, since right there on the box it indicates (states) that it is for legs, whereas the "heat" one does not have any such proclamation. both, perhaps, assisted. or have served to mask the issue.
right, well, there's that for an update of sorts. presently i seem to have a usual, normal level of mobility, and a lack of pain in the leg region. this i consider good, but am operating under no illusion of being healed. more as and when tales of such seems interesting.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!